Homebrew Christianity (episode 2)

Thought this was super interesting…

The discussion around the table turns to looking at how some various doctrines are becoming more and more attracted to emergent thoughts and ideas (approx 14:30 min into the podcast).

“In the last year I’ve had meetings with three different kinds of Presbyterians who have all said… ‘that’s really Presbyterianism. It’s really good to hear this.’ And the Methodists say, ‘that’s totally Methodist theology that you’re talking about.’ The Episcopalians say, ‘that’s Anglicanism this emergent thing…’ With the Mennonites, ‘that’s what Mennonites say.'” … “I got a call from a Greek Orthodox church who said ‘I’m coming through Minneapolis and I’ve read the Emergent Manifesto of hope and I feel like I’ve found a long last brother. Can we get together?’ There’s something about this thing that all these traditions are saying, ‘That’s us in our best days!'”

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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