Everyone has a story. What’s yours?

What does an average day look like for you?
Probably pretty boring, from an outsiders opinion :). I usually only get up when one of the kids wake up – though this is something I’m working on changing about myself. From that point on, I change a lot of diapers, I get a lot of snacks, drinks, and bottles, I clean, and I play. Most mornings we have some sort of errand to run, or a play group to attend, both of which are nice opportunities to get out of the house. Thrown in during the early afternoon is about a 2 hour nap time, which is when I get my personal things done for the day, and then usually take a nap. Then comes dinner, Daddy time, bath, and bed time! So my average days might seem boring to some, but I’d say they’re pretty awesome – I wouldn’t change it for the world
What’s been the best day of your life?
No question about it, the best day of my life was the day Elliot was born. All the other great things things that have happened in my life, like the day I was married, or even when my other children were born, were just the starting points. ALL of my days with them have been wonderful, I could never pick just one to be the “best”. But Elliots birthday was the only day we had him, so I was more complete on that day than I’ve ever been. Because I no longer have my child on Earth with me, I’ll forever be incomplete, so yeah – that day was the best. It was the worst too, though – if that’s possible
What’s been your greatest achievement in life thus far?
My children. They are my legacy, they are my heartbeat.
What made the biggest difference in helping you achieve that goal?
My husband. Not only would I not have them if it were not for him, but they, nor I, would be any good if it were not for him.
If you could solve one problem in the world – what would it be?
OK, this is excluding the greatest problem of all, the fact that the world needs Jesus, right? Other than THAT: This may sound small, since I know there are so many HUGE problems in the world, but the one problem I would solve right now is infertility. To have a woman whose heart longs for a baby, and yet is unable to have one of her own is, in my opinion, one of the greatest injustices of life. Like my previous answers have shown, my children are my life, and my heart breaks at the mere thought of a woman being robbed that joy. I cannot fathom the pain of infertility, and I wish beyond measure that my loved ones couldn’t either.
Sara is a wife and mother of three children. She blogs at bsseskaggs.blogspot.com.