Fighting crime with the sound of music

Safer Dallas Better Dallas is hoping to fight crime in the Big D with the sound of music.
Their website,, features “We’re in the Fight Together,” Words and Music By Spencer Michlin and Johnny Marshall.
I’m not sure how it’s supposed to change the crime stats in Dallas but maybe it will drive all the criminals away if they hear it enough.
Who knows?
Apparently the song will be featured in PSA’s online.
Together we can win…

We will win (for our families)
We will win (for us all)
We will win (for Dallas)
We will win!

I don’t know if it would have the same catch, but maybe Ellis County Police Departments can adopt the song with a few changes.

The mission of Safer Dallas Better Dallas is:

The mission of Safer Dallas Better Dallas is to be a communicator and direct conduit to assist the Dallas Police Department (DPD) by:

  • Acquiring new equipment for the DPD
  • Improving recruiting results of the DPD
  • Motivating the Dallas City Council to provide more resources toward crime prevention by offering matching resources
  • Lowering the rate of recidivism of parolees

Inspiring Public Safety Personnel and Dallas citizens to embrace the basic concept that a safer life for any individual is a better life for that individual, and hence a Safer Dallas will be a Better Dallas.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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