Sorry my posts have lacked in originality as of late… getting moved and unpacked has taken up much of my focus and inspiration as of late.
The whole moving process reminds me that I still have a LOT of stuff — and a lot more decluttering needs to be done. It’s amazing to realize how our things can have such a tight grip on us.
I was talking with a friend last night about our homes and how they’ve changed over the last 50 years.
We were saying how amazing it is that our grandparents had homes half the size of ours (or maybe even smaller) and had plenty of room for their stuff and the entire family.
And if they were to put our sectional in their living room, it would fill up more than half the space. You’d be challenged to get from one room to the other.
So not only do we seem to have more stuff — but it’s gotten bigger to boot!
Yet we continue to pile more and more stuff on top of the things we already have.
Focusing on the now
During the moving process, I was able to write several blog posts for the next few days and I scheduled them to post last week.
But once Wednesday rolled around, I realized I was out of scheduled posts. Normally, I get a bit stressed about that and think I have to rush to the computer to hammer something out.
However, I decided to let Thursday roll on without some rambling post from me and decided to enjoy getting to bed “early” for a second night in a row.
It was nice.
Since last Wednesday, I’ve been in bed 4 nights in the past week before 10:30 (a couple of times before 10). I think that’s a new record for me.
Usually 10 p.m. (once Laurie’s in bed) is when I start my blogging for the next day. And then the blogging turns into mindless surfing of the web and before I know it, it’s midnight or later.
So this change of routine has been a nice break.
Sure, my readership numbers have taken a slight hit for a few days — but being less focused on what will appear on my blogs tomorrow gives me more time to focus on the now and focus on what matters most — in the moment.
Say less, and hear more.
Do less, and have a greater impact.
Make less noise, and appreciate the silence.
Send out fewer emails, and make each one count.
Tweet less, and each one becomes more meaningful.
Have fewer possessions, and enjoy the space.
Have fewer “friends”, but make each relationship stronger.
Appreciate the spaces between everything.
So, needless to say, I’ll get back to my regular writing routine before too long (hopefully earlier in the day) — but for now I hope you’ll allow me some time to enjoy the moments around me and appreciate the spaces between everything.
Thanks for reading!