Eating for energy or stress relief?

Lifehacker blogger Brian Armstrong talks about his new ideas behind eating healthy.
While I haven’t been eating the most healthy meals ever, Laurie and I can say that we definitely notice when we haven’t been eating as healthy as we should.
She’s probably eaten healthier than I have for a while so I think her body notices it more. She can definitely tell when she’s had too much sugar in her system.
Armstrong says, “The way I used to eat: I associated unhealthy food with pleasure, and healthy foods with pain.”

I would think about that burger, fries, and milkshake all day. About how juicy and tasty it would be, how satisfied I would be afterwards, and how good it make me feel.

Now he says, “The way I eat now: I associate unhealthy food with pain and healthy food with pleasure.”

Have you ever noticed that after gorging yourself on that burger, fries, and shake…you feel a little bit tired? Have you ever had indigestion, and felt like a brick was lodged in your stomach?
These are the sort of feelings you can begin to associate with unhealthy food.

Armstrong takes it a step further and shows you what you’re doing to your body with unhealthy foods.
Thinking about what your clogged arteries look like when you eat a burger and it may cause you to loose your appetite a lot faster.
See for yourself or watch what happens when a doctor has to put a stint in your heart to keep it working.
(you may not want to look if you have a weak stomach)
On the flip side, think about being full of energy and strength when you eat healthy foods.
If you can re-associate your thinking of healthy foods and unhealthy foods it may make a huge difference in what you decide to eat later on.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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