I found a quiz for new dads over at babycentre… apparently I know quite a bit about raising a baby… I doubt that… but we’ll find out for sure in 6 more weeks.
I got 12 of the 15 or so questions correct (although I’m not sure I like all their answers, and what in the world is a “nappy”?! Silly UK site. ;-))
Thank you for taking the quiz! Here are your results:
You have 12 correct answers.
Excellent, you know a lot about life as a parent already!
- How long should you let your newborn cry at night before picking him up?
Less than one minute
Five to ten minutes
You chose this answer. Sorry, that’s not correct. Read the explanation below for more information.
Ten to 15 minutes
Until he stopsEXPLANATION: When a newborn cries, the best thing to do is tune in and respond immediately. Don’t worry, you can’t spoil a new baby – but you can teach him a lot about feeling secure.
- How many times a day does the average newborn eat?
Three meals a day
Every four hours
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
Eight to ten times
On the hour every hourEXPLANATION: The average newborn eats about eight times a day — or every two to three hours. Some babies, of course, will eat more often than that, while others may eat less. Whether your baby is breast- or formula-fed, be ready to feed him.
- How long after childbirth should you wait until you and your partner can have sex again?
One week
Six weeks
You chose this answer. Sorry, that’s not correct. Read the explanation below for more information.
Three months
Until you’re both ready
Until her doctor gives the green lightEXPLANATION: You can start to have sex again whenever you and your partner both feel that it’s the right time for you. There is an assumption that you are just waiting for your GP to give you the go-ahead at your six-week postnatal check. But some suggest that it’s a good idea to try making love before the doctor’s visit so that you can then discuss any problems you encounter.
- What’s the number one never-leave-home-without-it item you should bring for an afternoon at the park with your 6-month-old?
Your mobile phone
You chose this answer. Sorry, that’s not correct. Read the explanation below for more information.
A muslin or other soft cloth
The video camera
A nappy
Soft toysEXPLANATION: Though you may very well want the other items, you can’t go far without a fresh nappy — and some wipes.
- If you want to buy your 9-month-old new clothes, what size should you buy?
6 to 9 months
10 to 16 pounds
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
12 to 18 months
SmallEXPLANATION: Try this trick when buying clothes for your child: double his age. A 3-month-old will typically fit comfortably in a 6-month size, and have space to grow. Unless your baby is in the 95th or fifth percentile for height and weight, you can count on this being true.
- What sort of present would your partner-turned-mum appreciate the most?
An outfit for the baby
A bouquet of flowers
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
A gift certificate to pamper herself with a facial, massage, or manicure — and the time off to do itEXPLANATION: Consider this: she probably won’t appreciate the 45th new baby outfit or a dozen flowers that are just one more thing that needs care (cutting the stems, changing the water, cleaning the vase). Nothing beats getting out of the house for some pampering however, to give her a lift, a change of pace, and time for herself.
- What do Graco, Perego, and Maclaren all have in common?
They were heroes in World War I
They make pasta and tomato sauce
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
They make sturdy pushchairs
They are makers of fine winesEXPLANATION: Graco, Perego, and Maclaren are American, Italian, and British companies, respectively, and they all make pushchairs.
- Which one of these should you use to clean your baby’s umbilical cord?
Rubbing alcohol
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
Soap and water
Baby shampooEXPLANATION: Until your newborn’s umbilical cord falls off, usually in five to fifteen days, it’s a good idea to clean it regularly with a little water and soap, or even just water on its own.
- Which one of these words just doesn’t belong?
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SwaddleEXPLANATION: While pixel is a computer term, the rest of these items are all about baby. A doula is a paid professional who you choose to assist you as a birthing partner; a babygro is an all-in-one comfy item of baby clothing which has poppers in the crotch for easy nappy changing; and swaddling is a way of wrapping a baby in a blanket or cover.
- Where should the baby sit in the car when you bring him home from the hospital?
On your partner’s lap in the back seat
In an infant car seat facing forward in the front seat
In an infant car seat facing backward in the front seat
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
In an infant car seat facing backward in the back seatEXPLANATION: Until your baby is 1 year old, the safest place for him to ride is in a infant car seat facing backwards in the back seat.
- What should you always bring your partner when she breastfeeds?
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
A glass of water
A magazine
Her favourite beer
The TV remoteEXPLANATION: Women who breastfeed need lots of water, as it takes extra fluids to produce breast milk. A glass of juice or milk is ok, too.
- What’s the average amount of time it takes for a baby to sleep through the night?
Three weeks
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
Three months
12 months
Two yearsEXPLANATION: No doubt your child is exceptional, but you can hope that when it comes to sleep, he’s strictly average. If you’re one of the lucky ones, however, be prepared: nothing lasts forever. Your baby’s sleep patterns will probably change a lot in the months ahead.
- Baby blues refers to:
Songs women sing in the delivery room
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
A woman’s sadness and moodiness after giving birth
Infant Chelsea supportersEXPLANATION: About half of all new mums go through a period of unhappiness, weepiness, anxiety, and intense mood swings for the first few days – or even weeks – after giving birth. The baby blues is probably linked to the drop in estrogen and progesterone after childbirth. What can you do? Try to be attentive and loving – and don’t take it personally.
- Your partner is so sleep deprived that she can’t see straight. You:
Call your mother
Ask your mother-in-law to come for a visit
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
Offer to do the 2 a.m. feeding
Hire a night nurseEXPLANATION: You could do any of the above, but if you get involved, all three of you will benefit. Take the plunge, give your partner a break, and take the early morning shift as often as possible.
- What’s the recommended position for sleeping babies?
On his tummy
On his side
You chose this answer. Congratulations – you’re right!
On his back
In his car seatEXPLANATION: Research has found that babies who sleep on their back are at a much lower risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). So when you lay your baby down, put him on his back
I think nappies are diapers in the UK…I liked the pushchairs, AKA strollers
You might be right – I thought maybe maybe baby wipes as well.
See the answer for question # 9 in its mention of nappies. You probably did better than I on those questions. I did not count my errors, nor did I see all of the choices before I made and answer. It was quite interesting.