Cheap Kindle books for $.99 or less

Kindle with case (for @headphonaught)
Kindle with case | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

I found several GREAT deals on books for Kindle today — all of them $.99 or less!

And rest assured, that while these may be “cheap Kindle books” – the content is anything but.

Not sure how long they’ll be on sale – so grab them while you can.

…And for those of you saying, “But I don’t have a Kindle!”

That’s fine… if you can read this blog post – it’s pretty certain you can read Kindle books. Simply download the FREE app for your phone, iPad, PC or Mac and read away.

And if you decide to buy a Kindle later — they’ll be ready and waiting to download to your device.

The Teaching of the Twelve by Tony Jones (with Trucker Frank)

The Orthodox Heretic by Peter Rollins

The Wisdom of Stability by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton

The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

Five books for $3? Yes, please.

What great finds have you found for your Kindle? Got any sites (other than Amazon) you get your e-books from?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

2 thoughts on “Cheap Kindle books for $.99 or less”

  1. I love my kindle and it has been a very good purchase.

    I am a member of the Booksneeze ( book review program from Thomas Nelson and they recently started doing e books. That is where i get most of my books these days.

    1. Very cool Adam! I was doing Thomas Nelson’s review program a while back but I’ve kinda let it lapse as I wasn’t able to keep up with the books I wanted to read on top of those for review.
      Very cool that they’re doing e-books now. Would love others to do so as well.

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