The Peace Insurgency

peace log by Cogdog:

I don’t know about anyone else, but this has really irked me the last couple days…

I read a chapter of Brian McLaren’s Everything Must Change and I can’t decide if I should throw the book across the room in disgust or quit working and join an anti-war protest. This suicidal machine he’s talked about is out of hand! Seriously – EVERYTHING must change.

Religion: Armed and Dangerous

McLaren paints a chilling comparison between suicide bombers in the Middle East and “religious leaders” in the U.S. in chp. 19 of his book.

Suicide bombers in the Middle East cry, “God is great!” as they blow their bodies – and those of innocent neighbors – to pieces. Religious leaders in the United States encourage presidents to “blow [enemies] away in the name of the Lord.”

After checking the book notes and reading further, I’m not sure I would call the U.S. leader a religious leader, but many people may say/argue that she is.

McLaren refers to Sam Harris, America’s leading atheist several times in his discussion on Armed Religion. Harris wrote a column after Sept. 11 that called religious leaders to task for the ways religion aids and abets the violent turn in human nature and society.

We have become, “increasingly deranged by our own religious certainty. We have a society in which 44 percent of the people claim to be either certain or confident that Jesus is going to come back out of the clouds and judge the living and the dead sometime in the next 50 years. It just seems transparently obvious that this is a belief that will do nothing to create a durable civilization.” … (if) the future is determined by God and predicted in a book, and it’s going to get worse and worse, so why try to work against the destruction that is predestined? As one famous evangelist put it, if the Titanic is destined to sink, why rearrange the deck chairs on it? Far better to man the lifeboats.

Is that the attitude we as Christians have taken? Are we so bent on Jesus coming back and “ridding the world of evil” that we simply don’t care to fight for what’s good and holy in the world any more? Are we more like the doomsday profits who are more interested in scaring everyone than the musicians on the Titanic who played their music until they went down with the ship?

The Jesus approach

Jesus seems to take a different approach to the war and doomsday framing story of His day – as well as the similar doomsday framing story of our day.

His cross doesn’t represent a “shock and awe” display of power as Roman crucifixions were intended to do, but rather represents a “reverence and awe” display of God’s willingness to accept rejections and mistreatment, and then to respond with forgiveness, reconciliation, and resurrection. In this kingdom, peace is not made and kept through the shedding of the blood of enemies, but the king himself sacrifices his blood to make a new kind of peace, offering amnesty to repentant rebels and open borders to needy immigrants.

This may have been the punch in the gut…

If, as Domnic Crossan says, the Roman motto is peace through victory, or peace through the destruction of enemies, or peace through domination… then for Jesus the motto is peace through nonviolent justice, peace through the forgiveness of enemies, peace through reconciliation, peace through embrace and grace. If in the violent narratives of Rome the victorious are blessed – which means that the most heavily armed, the most willing to kill, and the most aggressive ad dominant are blessed – then in the framing story of the kingdom of God, blessed are the meek, blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, blessed are the peacemakers, and blessed are the those who are willing to suffer for doing good. In this light, these aren’t simply greeting card sentiments, but rather ways of starkly contrasting Jesus’ framing story with the narratives and counter narratives of His day… Following Jesus instead means forming communities that seek peace through justice, generosity and mutual concern, and a willingness to suffer persecution but refusal to inflict it on others.

McLaren goes on to talk about the U.S. and the Western war machine that we’ve created… but I’ll let you all mull on these thoughts for a while as I had to.

You’re not always right

Kevin Hendricks has some great thoughts on sharing our faith and beliefs with others. Sounds a lot like me…

I used to think obnoxious but true statements were a great way to tell people about my faith. I’d buy T-shirts plastered with them, bumper stickers proclaiming them, even music centered around them. I was very proud of my boldness.

But I didn’t realize how completely ineffective it was. I didn’t realize that instead of opening a door of conversation, I was kicking in the door and slapping the owner in the face–and expecting them to be grateful.

It’s kind of embarrassing when I think back on it. I’ve since realized (and am continually reminded) that is no way to change minds.

You Need a Connection
Bumper stickers don’t convince anyone. They’re intended to be inspirational–a rallying cry for the troops–not conversional (can I make up that word?). At best they’re confrontational–and how effective is confrontation from a total stranger?

If you really want to change someone’s mind, you need a relationship, a connection, a story. And if you really hope to change someone’s mind, you better be prepared to have your own mind changed. Perhaps not your core convictions changed, but your assumptions, your judgments, your impressions will be changed. It has to be a two-way street, otherwise you’re not listening.

This land is our land (but no longer your land)

photo by takomabibelot
photo by takomabibelot

With the election coming up immigration remains a hot topic. And rightfully so. It’s especially a hot-button issue here in Texas, but maybe not to the extent that it is in other border states. It would seem that more Texans are understanding of Hispanic immigrants than others – maybe because of our past ties to Mexico – but I can’t quote you any surveys or stats to back that up.

I thought I’d take a look at how the remaining five (major) candidates stack up on immigration. I’m not going to go into detail or bullet points on what each candidate thinks – you can do that on your own (hopefully).

Hillary Clinton

Mike Huckabee

John McCain – who doesn’t list immigration as an issue on his site, instead it’s listed as border security

Barack Obama

Ron Paul – who by the way now has LOADS of money to run his congressional re-election campaign with

As you read through the bullet points there are several issues/phrases that come up with amnesty and border security being the big hot-button issues. Depending on how politically correct you want to be or how conservative you want to sound will make a difference in how often you use either of those terms.

So you’re a Canadian eh?

The mob mentality seems to say, “Border security – YEAH! Amnesty – No!”

But I still have to question, if border security is the real issue at hand, why has no one proposed a fence along the U.S. Canadian border?

No one wants a Canadian moose strapped with a dirty bomb to cross the border into the U.S. yet we seem to only be concerned about a fence along the Mexican border.

And why don’t we have a huge problem of Canadian’s crossing illegally across the border of the United States — maybe because they like their country better or maybe they realize that the same opportunities or similar ones can be found in their own country. I find it amusing that many of my friends claim that if certain people are elected as president – they’re moving to Canada. Not Mexico. Not South America – but Canada.

I have to wonder, if we spent half the money we have budgeted on a border fence and budgeted that towards helping Mexico improve their schools, hospitals and infrastructure what impact would it have on illegal immigration?

Simply an American problem

Brian McLaren writes in his book Everything Must Change about the suicidal machine we’ve created in the Western world. We push and push for a system of prosperity but because we prosper we are forced to build up our system of security. We can’t let those not in our circle steal from our prosperity. But then we also have to have a system of equality or fairness within our own circle or else the “have-nots” will rise up and try and still from the “haves.” The greater disparity there is between the haves and the have-nots, the larger the system of equality must be in order to ensure security and prosperity for the haves. I’m telling you it’s a vicious machine.

McLaren looks back at Rome in the time of Jesus and writes that the Roman Empire promised peace, security and equity through domination. “Decisively crush any and all opposition to the emperor. Then, under the emperor’s supreme will, the empire will defeat it’s enemies and punish its criminals so that all will experience prosperity, equity and peace… All, that is, except slaves and servants, whose free and low-cost labor were essential to the empire’s prosperity and who therefore had not rights, or next to no rights.”

McLaren then adds, except for the small farmers – a.k.a tenant farmers. Oh and women – because their role is to bear as many sons as possible so they can become soldiers to protect the empire and then also enrich the empire with their work and taxes.

“So the empire benefited everyone – except for slaves, servants, tenant farmers and women – and perhaps we should add those who lived at the borders of the empire.”

It seems that in Rome’s case, when you build a prosperous nation, everyone wants a piece of it. Neighbor’s of Rome lived in constant fear of being conquered and annexed into the empire, so they heavily armed themselves, requiring Roman border dwellers to do the same. At the same time other neighboring tribes would grow jealous and were prone to launch raids that would involve plunder and revenge for past offenses. And whenever neighbors of Rome encountered times of extreme hardship, large numbers of them would wish to immigrate to enjoy the relative prosperity and security of the empire.

But the empire didn’t want its own people to suffer by sharing pieces of the pie with a flood of unwanted immigrants, so the borders had to be carefully protected. As a result, border dwellers could expect constant militarization and frequent skirmishes, if not all-out war; the security of those at the center required constant insecurity for those at the margins.”

“So unless you were a slave, servant, tenant farmer, woman, or border dweller, you had a great life of prosperity, security and equity in the empire.”

Sounds like a winning system for all!

Of course to support this system there has to be taxes. “But these were small prices to pay for the pleasure of being part of a great and peaceful empire – a pleasure enjoyed by all except slaves, servants, tenant farmers, women, border-dwellers, conscriptable males and those not given tax breaks.”

But then again the government officially celebrated and defended the right to freedom of speech, thought and religion — unless of course it might undermine support for imperial policy.

So what do we do?!

Sorry if you want a sure fire answer. I ain’t gots none.

It seems that regardless of what we think the next step is, we have a system that is broken. We have a system that allows people to come here illegally, live and prosper, without paying taxes and they can stay here basically as long as they don’t cause a scene or get out of line.

A friend of mine (who incidentally is here with an expired visa) said he joked with his co-workers – “The Mexicans were fine and no one cared until they started wanting more rights. If they would have kept their mouths shut no one would have noticed.”

It seems like there’s two options now. We can either round up all 12-million plus illegal immigrants and pay to ship them all back home and tell them to wait in line again – or we can send them to the back of the citizenship line while they stay here and work. There are some variations on both plans. You can view those yourself.

When did it change?

Another question I must ponder is when did our immigration process change? As it appears from our family history, many of my ancestors came over in a boat, lived here and then applied for citizenship. They weren’t expected to stay in England, or Germany or Ireland and wait for their immigration papers to come in – they just simply came. I suppose they registered with the government when they came into the country – but how many others didn’t.

Kick ’em in the butt and send them packin’

So because these illegal immigrants broke the law should we no longer offer care and love for them? Should we simply give them a kick in the butt and send them packing?

Sure sin, disobedience, breaking the law (whatever you chose to call it) deserves punishment – but how far do you extend that punishment (oh yeah – the punishment must fit the crime)? Jesus tells the disciples to care for those in need – including those in prison. Do we simply neglect our duties because someone else made a mistake?

Brian talked this Sunday about being Inverted, especially in marriage. Scripture tells husbands to love their wives and give of their lives like Christ gave up His life for the church. And women are told to love their husbands and honor and respect them.

But if the husband doesn’t give up his life and treasure his wife like he’s supposed to – does that let the wife off the hook? If the wife doesn’t respect and honor the husband does that let the husband off the hook?

I don’t think so. I think it’s more about us than it is about them. We should be more concerned about whether or not we’re living in accordance with Scripture than how our brother or sister is.

I keep coming back to, “Love your neighbor as yourself” and “if your neighbor asks for your cloak, give him your robe also.”

I’m afraid that maybe in our Western culture we gloss over passages that instruct us to love everyone. I can’t tell you what that means in as a part of American governmental policy but I think I can tell you how it should affect each of us personally – and I know I’m not doing my part like I should.

I just feel like we have a moral obligation to help others in need – regardless if they’re a thief, murderer or illegal immigrant. I feel that if we’re going to send them home we should be doing more to help them fix their home so they don’t want to break into ours next time. And maybe not “we” as a government as much as “we” as a church.

“The sanctity of life doesn’t end at birth.” – Mike Huckabee

Don’t change your light bulbs, change your leaders

Brian McLaren and Bono were at the World Economic Forum recently. (hat tip to Thomas for finding these videos)

Is that Robert Scoble standing behind Bono?

Brian McLaren:

“How many of the issues between Christians and Muslims right now are actually between the West as a political economic cultural entity and to what degree are we as Christians in order to be peace makers and neighbors to our Muslim friends, how much do we have to learn to extract ourselves from being to embedded in our identity Westerners.”

For other videos, including Rick Warren, Yo Yo Ma and Craig Barrett check out The Davos Questions at YouTube

The Gospel according to Mike Huckabee

From NPR:

If you heard Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s victory speech on Super Tuesday, you may have noticed him speaking in what is almost a separate dialect. Some listeners have even asked us what he was talking about. So NPR headed off to the National Mall in search of people who understood Huckabee’s biblical allusions.

It proved almost as hard as getting a camel through the eye of a needle.

Seems like much of Huckabee’s Christianese may be confusing people. What about our our language and conversation. Are we using terms that others may not know?

What Jesus Meant

The popular Christian question “What would Jesus do?” is not an especially useful one, Wills notes, for Jesus did many things we would not, and should not, do. Should Christian believers today, Wills asks, “like Jesus, forbid a man from attending his own father’s funeral… or tell others to hate their parents?… Are they justified in telling others, ‘I come not imposing peace, I impose not peace but the sword’…? Or ‘I am come to throw fire on the earth’…?” Such moments in the Gospels, Wills writes, “were acts meant to show that he is not just like us, that he has higher rights and powers… [as] a divine mystery walking among men.”

– John Meachum reviewing Garry Wills’s book What Jesus Meant

“We must ask what Jesus meant by his strange words and deeds. In other words, if we focus on what Jesus said without determining what He meant in his original context, we run the risk of misquoting Jesus even when quoting His words.”

– Brian McLaren Everything Must Change