A New Kind of Christianity

Brian McLaren’s new book, A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith, drops tomorrow (Tuesday, Feb. 9).

I received a free advance copy from the publisher late last week and have been devouring it every chance I get (which with two toddlers at home hasn’t been that often).

In it, McLaren offers the top 10 questions he’s been hearing from people about the Christian faith as well as 10 responses to those questions (as opposed to answers — which are simply statements — which lead to hate and debate… he expounds much more on this in the first couple chapters).

So far I’m loving everything I’ve read. I won’t say I agree with everything yet (especially since I haven’t the full book yet) but what I’ve read is definitely in line with a lot of other things I’m reading and thinking as of late.
Continue reading A New Kind of Christianity

How I found heaven at What-a-Burger (hint – it’s in me)

Me in the morning :: Wednesday's Whatastudy

As part of our weekly What-a-Study men’s group on Wednesday mornings, we’ve been chewing on Ephesians for the last several weeks.

We’ve been taking it chunk by chunk, roughly 10-15 verses at a time and chewing on the passages with the symbol study that Aaron suggested a while back.

So this past week we were focused on the first portion of Ephesians 2 (Eph 2:1-10).
Continue reading How I found heaven at What-a-Burger (hint – it’s in me)

11 things I love about the institutional church

I put out a call for blog ideas Sunday night on Twitter and received an interesting idea from my dear friend Theresa Seeber (@theresaseeber)

Hmm, I think loving people who are difficult to love. Or the positives of the institution.

Two great ideas! I feel like I’ve written a lot about first idea but the second idea is something I don’t ever recall writing about.
Continue reading 11 things I love about the institutional church

Making your message relevant

Jim Wallis and Jon Stewart are such a great combination…

Wallis was on the Daily Show Wednesday night talking about his new book, “Rediscovering Values: On Wall Street, Main Street, and Your Street.”
Continue reading Making your message relevant

#justicefriday – This is how the world will end

Shared this on Twitter earlier this week and thought it was definitely worth sharing again here.

From Fireside International founder, Luke Renner and The Elms

The video was filmed in Citè Soleil, Haiti on July 28, 2009, highlighting the beauty and strength of the Haitian people.

As you watch the video, consider what you can do to help the people of Haiti — and then do it.