C is for Church

A few friends helped put together a new e-book and website recently, C is for Church, and have made it available for you to download (free or pay what you want).

“C is for church” is a collective conversation for the Church at large. It’s a step towards open-sourcing the discussions happening behind the closed doors of many church staffs.

Everyone from Senior Pastors to Support Staff to Administrative Staff to Church Members engaged in conversations that led to the published study. (over 100 hours of one-on-one discussions)

Common motifs were discovered amidst the convos and are illustrated via typography. Each theme is meant to provoke a thought rather than provide an answer.

I read through it last night and thought it was an easy (and important) read for many of my friends so I’m passing it along to you as well.
Continue reading C is for Church

The girl behind the porn #icsex

This is my submission on the IdeaCamp week 1 topic of pornography.

Yesterday I shared a stat that said the average age a child first sees pornography is 11.

That may seem shocking for sure but I’m pretty sure that was around the time I saw my first helping of porn — if not sooner.

Growing up I remember getting “fixes” from a number of places.

And no matter where I found it, there was always an allure, something appealing about those women staring back at me. There was always an allure in thinking that they wanted me.
Continue reading The girl behind the porn #icsex

Let’s blog about sex

As part of the forthcoming IdeaCamp Las Vegas event, !CSEX, (Sept. 27-28, 2010) the network is hosting a series of blog posts dealing with sexual issues to get the conversation started in anticipation of the September event.

In the next six weeks bloggers will share their thoughts on six different areas:
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Jesus, Lord of Heaven, your love has no bounds

The song that sparked Tuesday’s questions:

It’s sure easy to sing these words but I really doubt we believe them — and perhaps even more disturbing — we don’t live like we believe them.

If Jesus’ love really has no bounds, shouldn’t our love have no bounds?

And if our love has no bounds, I think that means we’ve got some serious changing to do…

What do you think?

Looking back and moving forward

Traffic cone
Traffic cone | Photo by Jonasb

It’s been nearly two months now since Laurie and I left the plains of Red Oak for the fields of Forney.

As part of the move, we of course carried with us a number of dear memories and relationships that we made during our four years with encounter.

Luckily, we don’t leave these things behind when we move — we carry them with us.

Yesterday, Brian and I were trying to remember when it was that he shared an illustration that’s stuck with me and others ever since.

Setting out four construction cones around him, Brian drove home the point that we should be building spaces of grace wherever we go — especially as followers of The Way.
Continue reading Looking back and moving forward