Blogs with local flair

If you’re looking for some other blogs with “local flair” (i.e. Ellis County) there are more and more popping up.
Of course you have mine and my life’s blogs –
There’s also the encounter blog which is primarily contributed to by myself and
My friend Marni as a personal blog online on blogger –
If you’re looking for news (mainly press releases from various state officials) check out the Waxahachie Daily Light’s blog –
Most of the other blogs I’ve found in Ellis County are related to local or national politics.
There’s Democratic blogger Natalie Guyoll at Another Voice –
Ellis County Republican Chair Rusty Ballard has a blog at –
A new Red Oak blogger, Steve Miller, has started his own blog, focused on Red Oak issues –
Folks in Bardwell, are “Exposing Bardwell, Texas city officials, issues and the corruption within” at the Bardwell Intruder –
And then you’re sure to find Joey Dauben’s blogs if you do a Google Search.
Other than that I haven’t seen many other Ellis County bloggers. Anybody else know of any?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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