Baby Shower #1

Diaper Cake
Diaper cake (no we didn't eat it ;-). It was a 'cake' made of 190 diapers! | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

We had a great baby shower yesterday for Laurie and the boys.

I use the word “we” loosely since I just showed up and helped unwrap the gifts ;-).

It was a great time and we brought home a car load of gifts. I’m not totally sure where we’ll put them all.

But a HUGE thanks to Jen, Kara, Evie, Aunt Linda and Aunt Gwen for putting it all together.

Laurie and the hosts
Laurie and the hosts | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

It was amazing to see how loved we really are!

Thanks to everyone who came and for all the amazing gifts.

Baby shower cake | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

We have another shower coming in a few weeks and even better yet — the boys appearance is getting closer and closer! Laurie just passed the 27 week mark last Thursday… now if we can find her some relief for her bed-rest-boredom.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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