The United Church of Christ’s God is Still Speaking Campaign talks about marketing for the United Church of Christ.

You may disagree with their theology, but you’ve got to love their marketing. The United Church of Christ made headlines late last year when their TV commercial featuring a bouncer at the gates of a church and a voice-over saying, ‘Jesus didn’t turn people away. Neither do we.’ was rejected by NBC and CBS.

I had a long discussion with my aunt Sunday night and we talked all about Christians shooting their wounded and being afraid to accept the lost and go to them where they are.
The United Methodists have a strong campaign about Open Doors and Open Hearts.
While it both campaigns may come across to many as too accepting or too liberal – I wonder if that’s where the real problem is.
Granted I’m not going to accept a homosexual pastor, but I wouldn’t accept a pot-smoking or adulterer in the pulpit either.
I think the real problem is that people caught up in whatever sin they might be struggling with feel shunned from the Gospel they need so badly.
What is your church doing to reach the lost?

Amy’s Marker

I know this may be a bit morbid – I’m not normally one who takes pictures in cemetaries or funerals, but I decided to take a picture with my camera phone of my sister’s marker today.
They just installed the new permanent maker on her resting place. And while it may seem morbid too some – It’s an amazing blessing and comfort to know that she’s no longer sleeping but Alive in Jesus’ love.
The marker seems a little discolored – but that’s because my dad had a little to much fun watering the site today and washing the marker off.
It has a rose on either side, Blundell written on the top, Amy Elizabeth on the upper left with her life’s markers (Dec. 22, 1980 – March 21, 2005), a cross in the middle and Psalm 139 on the bottom.
I was so honored and privaledged to design the marker. My parents decided to get a slightly bigger one and added the two other spaces for names at a later date, but I think it turned out really good and I’m sure it’s something Amy would have liked.

We love you and miss you so much Amy. See you soon.

Amys marker

Amy 2

Work break

Laurie and I at an engagement party (not ours)
Sporting a shirt :: We Grow Them Big in Delaware

So, I haven’t been blogging much this week. I’ve been slammed trying to straighten my new office and get things set up.

But somehow I stumbled upon this super cool website:

Apparently it’s been around for a while. I called my sister to tell her about it and she said, “Oh I know all about that site. It’s all over campus.”

Guess I’ve been missing out since I’m not in school anymore.

Anyways, check it out. They’ve got some really good and funny shirts.

Well – back to organizing old faxes. And when I say old faxes – I really mean throwing way faxes that have been sitting in piles since 2002.

I should have taken a before photo so you could see how much progress I’ve really made.

Speaking of which – I need some artwork or something in my office. If any aspiring artists are out there and want to show off your work in Harker Heights – let me know.

Piecemeal lives

This past weekend I had the joy of seeing the Body of Christ truly in action.

Maybe I’ve been looking in the wrong direction, but this weekend I found it, in a cowboy church in Crosby, Texas.

A body of believers who believed in something far greater than themselves.

A body of believers who realized that their small, sometimes menial tasks were just as important as everyone elses.

It didn’t matter if they were sweeping floors, pouring tea or pushing a button on a sound board — they were there to serve, and they never questioned how important their role was.

They were there to help a bunch of crazy wrestlers put on a couple shows to share the Gospel. And whatever that took — they were going to help put on the best show ever.

I can’t think of anything they could have done better. Well, other than maybe give earplugs to my roommates to help drown out my snoring (Sorry about that.)

NOTE FROM CHRIS: You should have heard it — oh wait you probably did. What meteorologists thought was an approaching thunderstorm was actually Blundell snoring. By the way, Breathe Rights — worthless.

Scripture reminds us that we’re all an important part of the body, no matter how menial or piecemeal our lives may seem.

“By means of His one Spirit, we all said good-bye to our partial and piecemeal lives. We each used to independently call our own shots, but then we entered into a large and integrated life in which He has the final say in everything.”

As a ring announcer for the CWF sometimes it’s easy to think, “My job is not really that important. I just talk. Anyone can do that. The wrestlers have the really important jobs.” Or, “You know I’m really the important one here. Without me, no one gets welcomed to the ring. I think I’ll just say whatever I want and introduce people as I see fit.”

But whether other people can or can’t do my job, it’s my job and it’s what I’ve been asked to do. And while I may want to try and steal the limelight, if I’m not working as a member of the team, nothing will get completed — and I’m sure I’d get a number of vicious chops in the process.

But what if my sound guy gets bored with being a sound guy? What if he wants to be in the ring getting beat down and tossed around like a bag of potatoes?

Suddenly we don’t have sound or entrance music and our ministry becomes a bunch of guys with sore throats from trying to yell over the crowd.

What if a cook in the kitchen decides she wants to prepare Indian cuisine instead of steak and potatoes?

While the rest of her team is baking potatoes and grilling steak, she comes along and starts throwing curry and asafoetida or hing all over everything.

The otherwise wonderful, simple meal is suddenly ruined.

The Apostle Paul writes, “If Foot said, “I’m not elegant like Hand, embellished with rings; I guess I don’t belong to this body,” would that make it so? If Ear said, “I’m not beautiful like Eye, limpid and expressive; I don’t deserve a place on the head,” would you want to remove it from the body? If the body was all eye, how could it hear? If all ear, how could it smell?”

Each person has their own place. And each place is valued just like the rest — no matter where you are or what you do.

“But I also want you to think about how this keeps your significance from getting blown up into self-importance. For no matter how significant you are, it is only because of what you are a part of. An enormous eye or a gigantic hand wouldn’t be a body, but a monster. What we have is one body with many parts, each its proper size and in its proper place. No part is important on its own.”

No matter how independent you think you are or how unimportant you are — you have value and no one else can take your place.

As we wrapped up our second show in Crosby Sunday night I began talking with a church member who had been working the parking lot detail earlier that evening.

He told me he was proud to be able to play such a “little part” in something much greater than all of this.

As we talked, I remembered times that I’ve been stuck in parking lots with poor direction and communication.

I’ve sat in parking lots for hours as people try to direct traffic back on to the roads.

What seemed menial and trivial to him was a blessing to everyone who attended one of our shows.

No matter what part you might have, where ever you might be, you’ve been placed there for a reason and without each person in place — the show (or dinner, or ball game, or office, or church service) would never be the same.

Strive for excellence. Work as if everything you do depends solely on you — because when it all comes down to it — it does.

“The way God designed our bodies is a model for understanding our lives together as a church: every part dependent on every other part… If one part hurts, every other part is involved in the hurt, and in the healing. If one part flourishes, every other part enters into the exuberance.”

Its official…

Well its official (as official as anything goes in our office – it might change 5 minutes from now)…
But Thursday I will be moving to our Harker Heights Evening Star paper.
I’m excited and doubtful all at the same time.
I’m excited about new opportunities. A new office to work in. A new change of pace. I think I can help make the paper very profitable and I already have a number of ideas to do so.
But I’m also doubtful and worried that it could mean more work and stress and/or I may become disenchantment with the new position soon.
I hope not.

Well in other news – I know this is what you’ve all been waiting for…. (drumroll)
Sunday and Monday’s CWF results:

Sunday –
Chris Idol & Tim Storm def. Jonah & Michael Malik
Son of Thunder def. The Zealot
Tim Storm def. Apoc
Jesus Freak def Chris Idol for the CWF World Championship Belt

Monday –
Jonah NC Michael Malik
Chris Idol def. Apoc
Tim Storm def. Son of Thunder
Jesus Freak def. The Zealot (titlematch)
Apoc & Jonah def. Chris Idol and Tim Storm