adopt a Jesus

Have you seen the new trailer for Brandt’s Russo’s documentary?

While I personally preferred the title “pastor’s parking only” (he joked about that title during the chat for our podcast), Brandt says the movie needed something a bit more serious and they’ve settled on a title, ‘”Adopt a Jesus” (which is an awesome idea and title in and of itself).

Brandt told me tonight (via facebook chat) that production is coming along great and he’s wrapping up a lot of the voice-over work this week. The movie is scheduled to be released in August of this year.

We can’t wait to see it!

Now if you’re expecting this movie to show up in your local theater – sorry – but that’s not very likely. Brandt and the other folks working on this movie are self-producing, self-distributing, and self-marketing this movie — so they can use all the help they can get to get this message out.

Hopefully after watching the trailer (and listening to Brandt’s story) you’re interest will be peaked and you’ll start getting word out about the movie on your blogs, twitter, facebook, myspace and elsewhere, and then you’ll join the facebook group, tell more friends about it and then see if you can organize a public screening in your area once the movie is out.

After watching the trailer and listening to Brandt’s story — what do you think?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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