If you’re making the move from del.icio.us to Pinboard.in you may be encouraging your blog readers to do the same (and I definitely encourage you to make the switch if you haven’t already).
And if that’s the case, why not add a “share this” link on your WordPress posts?
Since Pinboard.in is modeled after the first version of del.icio.us API, the share this link is fairly similar to del.icio.us.
To add a link for Pinboard.in, simply add this code to your single.php file in your WordPress theme:
<a href="http://pinboard.in/add?showtags=yes&url=<?php the_permalink() ?>&title=<?php the_title(); ?>&description=<?php the_excerpt(); ?>" title="Bookmark this on Pinboard.in" target="_blank">Bookmark this on Pinboard.in</a>
If you want, you can always replace the text “Bookmark this on Pinboard.in” with a graphic or other text, like I’ve done below.
And of course, if you like this post, be sure and Bookmark it on Pinboard