30 day song challenge

A song that you listen to when you’re angry – The 30 Day Challenge

30 day song challenge

day 20 – a song that you listen to when you’re angry

Growing up I can remember tuning into a lot of grunge/alternative rock songs when I would get angry with the world (aka teen angst). I would jump in my car, roll down the windows and crank Nirvana or Green Day or maybe some Aerosmith, Beastie Boys or Guns N Roses.

And then one day a LOT of those CDs disappeared.

I was pissed! I was certain they had been stolen at a recent youth lock-in event.

Of course I didn’t have the money to replace them all but over the next year I gradually replaced a few here or there.

A year or so after my CDs turned up missing my mom walked into my room with all the CDs. She explained that my anger and temper had been getting worse and worse and she suspected it was at least partially due to the music I was listening to.

She went on to say that she had noticed a change in my behavior over the last year (for the good) and decided it was time to return the CDs.

I’m still not 100% certain the music was causing my temper an anger… But I am certain it didn’t help squelch it. Adding high energy “fight the power” music to an already agitated teen mind (or adult) probably isn’t the most helpful prescription you can give.

Needless to say, I’ve seen the error of my ways. And so while I still love a lot of that music and listen to it from time to time, I’ve adjusted my listening habits so I’m tuning in to something far more relaxing or peaceful to help squash any anger or frustration before it gets out of hand.

That usually means a little Jack Johnson, a little Jamie Cullum, a little Norah Jones or Phil Keaggy if I have my Mp3 player with me.

Otherwise I’m tuning in to the jazz or ambient/”spa” stations on Pandora or Sirius/XM to add some peace back into my life.

And keep in mind… I have two 6 month old twin boys…

So don’t be surprised if you walk into our house and hear relaxing soundscapes or smooth jazz. It may be nothing more than a pre-emotive strike… Or we may have just pulled ourselves away from the brink of meltdown ;).

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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