Thomas tagged me over the weekend, asking what are 5 things you’ve always wanted to do…
I don’t know if these are things I’ve always wanted to do, but these are 5 things I really want to do (as of today)…
1. Spend at least two weeks visiting the UK (England, Scotland and Ireland) with Laurie.
2. Spend a week in New York City with Laurie.
3. Start a family :: aka have kids – (just don’t get any ideas that we’re planning on doing this tomorrow :-))
4. Freelance/work from home and/or own my own a business that supports my entire family so Laurie can also stay at home (and no I’m not interested in your pyramid marketing scheme). I’d love to see this as a regular paying gig on the radio (or a podcast), sharing people’s stories. Or — improving my web/video/media design skills so that I can make enough money to support my family with it.
5. Continue building real deep communities of faith.
In the process of building this list I also added a few more items to my life list over on
As part of the journey, I tag Laurie, Trucker Frank, Jessica, Brian, Michael, Kevin and Josh.
Tagged or not tagged, feel free to leave a list of the 5 things you want to do in the comment section below (or on your own blog)…
1- spend some time in Mexico doing missions work in an orphanage
2- Go base jumping
3- Work in some kind of youth ministry setting
4- Be a camp director
5- Be a defensive coordinator for a football team
1- spend some time in Mexico doing missions work in an orphanage
2- Go base jumping
3- Work in some kind of youth ministry setting
4- Be a camp director
5- Be a defensive coordinator for a football team
1.Drive my own Smart car to the west coast and visit friends from my roots of faith(still waiting on the car)
2.Visit the UK and the European continent(might never come back)
3.Australia and New Zealand. Look for Hobbiton and hoist an ale with the Riders of Rohan on my Harley(still waiting for that also). This one could take a while.
4.Do something illegal but not permanently harmful(I spent too much of the 60’s and 70’s in Bible college)
5.Retire in the French countryside admiring the madamoiselles(cant chase anymore wouldnt know what to do if I caught one ;p),sipping wine, loving Jesus,sharing with visiting free-rangers who have come to comment on my book(hope it gets written.) Enjoy the first day of the rest of my life with ABBA.
1.Drive my own Smart car to the west coast and visit friends from my roots of faith(still waiting on the car)
2.Visit the UK and the European continent(might never come back)
3.Australia and New Zealand. Look for Hobbiton and hoist an ale with the Riders of Rohan on my Harley(still waiting for that also). This one could take a while.
4.Do something illegal but not permanently harmful(I spent too much of the 60’s and 70’s in Bible college)
5.Retire in the French countryside admiring the madamoiselles(cant chase anymore wouldnt know what to do if I caught one ;p),sipping wine, loving Jesus,sharing with visiting free-rangers who have come to comment on my book(hope it gets written.) Enjoy the first day of the rest of my life with ABBA.
I am entirely too fickle to list any five things I have ALWAYS wanted to do. But, five things that tonight, right this minute, I think I would like to do in this life that I have not the chance to do….
1. I would very much like to travel with my husband to visit with our friends in the Great Lakes area and in Boise, ID.
2. I want to be a published author.
3. I want my extended church family to see the Holy Spirit in the Emergent/Missional Movement, and put aside their fears, for the sake of unity and the furthering of the Kingdom of God.
4. I want to be more successful at scheduling my time, especially in regards to homeschooling.
5. I want better communication in my home.
I am entirely too fickle to list any five things I have ALWAYS wanted to do. But, five things that tonight, right this minute, I think I would like to do in this life that I have not the chance to do….
1. I would very much like to travel with my husband to visit with our friends in the Great Lakes area and in Boise, ID.
2. I want to be a published author.
3. I want my extended church family to see the Holy Spirit in the Emergent/Missional Movement, and put aside their fears, for the sake of unity and the furthering of the Kingdom of God.
4. I want to be more successful at scheduling my time, especially in regards to homeschooling.
5. I want better communication in my home.