summer time fun

Our boys love being outside, so telling them its too hot to go outside and play does not go over too well, and its only June.  So, since its been hot outside and such a hassle to go to the neighborhood pool every weekend, we just got a little pool for our backyard and the boys have loved it. I’ll just let the pictures do all the talking:


We have made it to the big pool a few times and they boys took some getting used to it because there were a lot of kids and they would get splashed in the face. We also have a neighborhood “splash pad” and they got to play in that for the first time a few weeks ago.


UntitledFor Memorial Day we went over to our friend’s house and the boys got to swim in the pool with their kids. I think they boys liked playing on their big swing set and run around their big backyard the most, but they did enjoy the pool too.
UntitledI’m sure there will be much more swimming happening this summer, but so far we are off to a good start!

Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to the most important men in my life, my dad, my husband and my brother.

UntitledDaddy, you were my first love and the one that I know will ALWAYS love me unconditionally! You taught me so many things in life, but most of all, what a loving parent looks like – to that, I will forever be thankful.

Mr. Wonderful himselfJonathan, you are the best dad a boy could ask for! You make sure the boys know you love them and are important to you! You get down on the floor and play with them, let them jump on you and you love to read them stories.  You take on diaper duty like a superhero and get up with them in the middle of the night without complaint. My love for you grows deeper and deeper just by watching you with them!

Brad and kidsBrad, you are a great dad – your kids love you and it shows! You spend time with them and model to them what a good parent should be. Keep it up and it will pay off ten fold!

I love you all and can’t imagine my life without you!

Santa Fe – Part 2

I just realized the other day I never did a part 2 for out Santa Fe trip….oops! We’ve been a little busy lately what raising two crazy very active boys. But, that’s a whole new blog post in and of itself – that will come later!

Anyway, So the few days that we were there we did the whole tourist thing: we went to the square in downtown and walked around, we went to the “Indian Market” where the Native American Indians sell their crafts, jewelry, etc. We went into 2 cathedrals, St. Francis Assisi and the Loretto Chapel.

St. Francis Assisi Cathedral

The Cathedral of St. Francis Assisi had a beautiful garden next to it some statues out front of the cathedral. I was as happy as a clam because the lighting was awesome, I caught the sun directly behind the cross on the sign leading into the garden!

Perfect Lighting

There was an awesome statue that was to represent St. Francis with many sayings that he supposedly said engraved on his robe. My favorite saying that was on there was, “I want to be happy like a bird in the sky.”


Inside the cathedral it had the stained glass, crucifix with Christ on it and other banners, signs, etc.

Inside St. Francis Assini Cathedral (taken with my iPhone)

    DSC_0204 DSC_0201

The Loretto Chapel is the chapel with the miraculous staircase that was on unsolved mysteries. There are 2 mysterious surrounding the staircase – the identity of the builder and the physics of the construction.  Apparently there are no nails holding the staircase together, only wooden pegs and it has two 360 degree turns without any visible support structures.  The staircase is pretty impressive when seeing it in person.

The mysterious staircase

Inside the chapel was the typical stained glass, crucifix, etc.

Love the light showing through the stained glass
The last supper

The last full day we were there we drove to Ojo Caliente to a natural hot springs resort.  It’s located, in what seems like, a desolate area surrounded by nothing but mountains and cliffs. It was great, we got to soak in mineral waters and just lay out in the sun, relax and enjoy the scenery!

Ojo Caliente Hot Springs Resort
Our view from the pool side

Jonathan got to geocache a little while were there, so he was excited about that, even though it was only 1 or 2 geocaches.

Jonathan Geocaching

We found the geocache near “Museum Hill” and there was this giant replica of a stagecoach and horses.

And lastly here is a picture of us in front of the bed and breakfast we stayed at, right before we left to come back home. This is one of the only pictures we got of us from the trip…and its out of focus!

Me and the hubby

We had a great trip and love anytime we get to spend relaxing in the mountains! But by the time we left, we were ready to get back home and see our boys! Gramma sent us pictures throughout the week of the boys so we did get to “see” them while we were gone, and it looked like they had a great time too!

If you want to see all of our photos from the trip, you can click here and they will magically appear.



Saturday Entertainment

Our Ian loooves to dance, if he can’t dance (when we are in the car) he will just bob his head to the music…and this boy’s got rhythm.  Hayden has started bobbing his head now so maybe we’ll get him dancing soon.  I finally caught Ian on video dancing! My favorite part of the video is when the music slows down and he starts going around in a circle slowly with his arms out – its hilarious! (well I think it is)  Enjoy!

Santa Fe Vacation – Part 1

Jonathan and I went to Santa Fe, NM at the end of April for our 5 year anniversary. We were ready for a vacation away from work, two crazy toddlers our busy lives as parents and just life in general. We love the mountains and in most cases would choose mountains over a beach. So since our honeymoon was in Colorado we decided to try New Mexico this time.

We opted to go the road trip route vs flying, because we like to torture ourselves by spending 12 hours in the car but mainly because it was quite a bit cheaper to drive than fly. So we took the long, flat, desert of a drive to New Mexico.

                                  our road trip view

We packed a picnic lunch and stopped along the way In west Texas to eat some lunch. It turned into a very quick lunch when we pulled up and saw this staring us in the face:

We also decided to stop in Amarillo to visit Cadillac Ranch, which is a bunch of old cadillacs that are half-buried in the ground. It is visible from the highway, and even though it’s located on private property, visiting it (by walking through an unlocked gate) is tacitly encouraged. Spray-painting the vehicles is also encouraged, you never know what you will see when you go. Unfortunately we forgot to get some spray paint before we left so we couldn’t leave our mark 🙁
After a long car ride, we finally made it to our destination. We stayed at a bed in breakfast, which I’ve never been a big fan of, but decided to give it a try. We found a really nice place called Raven’s Ridge and it had an awesome ambiance and feel to it.
Raven’s Ridge B&B

Our room at the B&B was awesome! It was the “starlight room” and it was appropriately named because it had a huge skylight that you could open up and view the stars – it was amazing! I told Jonathan I wanted to put one of those in our house. The room had a traditional New Mexico Kiva fireplace and the decor in the room was authentic New Mexico.

                     the Kiva fireplace

There were beautiful gardens all around the grounds of the B&B and right outside our room was a gorgeous apple tree in full bloom!

We got to the B&B just before the sun was going to set and there was a golden glow surrounding us. Here was just some of our views:

our view every morning at breakfast
Being in the mountains and surrounded by nature is a photographers delight! There were al kinds of birds and flowers…I was in heaven. Here are some of my favorite photos:

I have a ton of photos from the trip so I’m going to divide it up into several posts instead of 1 loooong post. Next up is our visit to a few Cathedrals and some New Mexico culture.

18 month check up

The boys had their 18 month well check up a week or so ago and they both look great.  They have both gained weight and grown an inch or more taller.  Here are their stats:

Hayden: 28 pounds, 8 ounces and 33.5 inches tall

Ian: 23 pounds, 5 ounces and 32.5 inches tall

They are learning and growing just as they should.  The only thing we are going to watch is their language development.  They are a little behind on talking, but our pediatrician isn’t too worried about them. Boys tend to talk later than girls in general and the fact that they are multiples is another strike against them.  And, lastly we are teaching them sign language so with them being able to get what they want that way, why would they need to talk. Within the last week Ian has started trying to say a few words (sock, yucky and ball) and Hayden as started trying to say ball as well.  I’m not worried about them at all, they will talk in their own time!

We are going to try to wean Hayden off his reflux medicine and see how he does.  We aren’t about to touch Ian’s reflux meds, he’s staying on his Prevacid!

It will be interesting to see how much they grow in the next 6 months for their 2 year check up.



I am a little late on the Easter post, but better late than never, right?  This Easter was a little different for us in that we didn’t go to church on Sunday morning. Gaaaaasp! Instead, we went to the Saturday evening service at our church (see, we still went to church). We knew the boys were going to be out and their nap schedules would be all thrown off on Sunday, so we decided to just let them sleep in on Sunday morning.

We went to Jonathan’s parents house for lunch on Sunday and the boys hunted for easter eggs in the backyard in-between rain showers.  Hayden was definitely into finding the easter eggs, Ian on the other hand could care less.  He was more interested in the balloon in the backyard or going in and out of the sliding door on the patio.  He liked the fact that he could make it up the big step all by himself…so he went up the step, down the step, up the step, down the set, over and over again.










The boys love to play the piano at grandma and grandpa’s house, so of course they had to give us a mini recital.

After lunch we went out to my brothers gym in Flower Mound (Best Gymnastics) and met my aunts and cousins there for some play time and another easter egg hunt.  The boys had a blast running around and playing on the trampolines and in the big foam pit.  The easter egg hunt wasn’t a huge hit with them, but they did find a few easter eggs.  Hopefully next year they will be a bit more into it.  I didn’t get too many pictures f the easter egg hunt because I was too busy chasing after the boys and making sure they didn’t fall or run into anything.

   Hayden and Uncle Brad in the foam pit
    Ian sliding into the pit
   Hayden sliding into the pit
   Hayden deciding what to do next
   Ian about to climb on the mat









It was a fun day had by all and a day of reflection for us as we celebrated the resurrection of Christ and the price he paid for us.


1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish…

Both Jonathan and I were off work for Good Friday (I am always off on Fridays) so we decided to take the boys to the aquarium.  They are still a little too young to really enjoy it, but the did like looking at everything – fish, penguins, birds, reptiles, monkey’s – wait, monkey’s at the aquarium?! Ya, that’s what I said…but yes, there were monkey’s at the aquarium.

I haven’t been to the aquarium since I was little, so needless to say it has changed quite a bit since my last visit.  This is the only picture I have of the boys in front of the aquarium, and its out of focus! The best part of the trip was watching the boys faces when they saw something swim by.  I wish I could have captured every facial expression, but unfortunately I was unable to. I think when the boys are a little older, they will like and appreciate the aquarium more.  Either way, it was a fun experience and any new adventure and time spent with my boys is time well spent.  Here are some of my favorite photos of the boys from our trip to the aquarium.


18 Months Old

18 months old – the is the best I could get when 2 toddlers want to go in opposite directions!

Where has the time gone?! My boys can’t possibly be a year and a half already – 6 more months and they’ll be TWO! What a difference a few months makes. There is a huge difference in the boys from the 12 month post I wrote, even from the 15 month post I wrote. In the last few months it has become apparent our baby boys are no longer babies and are turning into little boys.

They are climbers, thats for sure. In the last month, they have master the art of climbing – climbing on the couch, ottoman, chairs and even on top of the dinning room table. Hayden is the instigator when it comes to climbing. We will turn our backs and next thing you know, he’s on the table or he has pushed a chair over to the bar in the kitchen and is playing with stuff on the kitchen bar.

Hayden sitting on the dinning room table
Ian sitting on the ottoman
Hayden climbs up to the bar
my favorite – climbing and standing on top of their firetrucks

We got rid of their highchairs and they are now in booster seats at the table, mainly because 2 highchairs took up too much room in our kitchen. They are both getting great at using utensils when they eat. If they go into hunger strike mode, sometimes just giving them a fork will break the strike. They are getting to where they want to hold cups when they drink instead of us holding it (when we are at a restaurant), forget the fact that they dribble water all down the front of their shirt- they are doing it by themselves, that’s all they care about.

We have taught the boys some sign language to help ease the frustration of them not being able to talk yet. They know the sign for more, milk and water (they rarely use water though). They have started talking some – mainly Ian. Hayden talks all day but nothing that you can understand. He has said quack for duck and cracker (not routinely). Ian will say ice, “nana” (banana), “nak” (snack), “go” (dog), “baf” (bath) and yesterday he tried to say “wa-er” (water). I think Hayden doesn’t feel the need to talk because Ian does all the talking and Hayden just goes along with it.

The boys have been playing together more and I love it when I see that. They love reading books and putting puzzles together. Ian would have us read 20 books before bed if we let him.

the boys “playing” together
Ian “reading” his books

They are now comprehending things we say to them and will follow simple commands from us. If we ask them to pick something up and bring it to us, they will…usually. Hayden will find the tiniest little string or piece of something on the floor, pick it up and bring it to us. It’s like he knows he’s not supposed to play with it and/or he hates stuff like that lying around on the floor (that’s my boy).

We won’t take the boys for their 18 month check up until the beginning of May so we won’t know their weights until then. I’ll have to fill you in once we get them. I can confidently say Hayden still weighs more than Ian and is probably 1/2 an inch taller.


Hayden is still our strong willed child. He does things just to see if he can get away with it. He knows he’s not supposed to climb on things and will do it repeatedly after we tell him no, just to get a reaction, then laugh.

He is still a snuggle bug, but only when he wants to be. If he wakes up in the middle of the night, he will sit in the chair and snuggle with you. Speaking of waking up at night, the boy is an insomniac! He gets this trait from me, unfortunately. If you remember way back when, I posted on this very subject and if you want, you can read about it here. He goes in phases. He’ll go a week where he is up every night for about 2.5 hours just talking, laughing, playing, anything but sleeping. Then the next week, he’ll sleep just fine.

Hayden is a picky, picky eater…but I can’t complain, he is my child. I am a picky, picky eater myself. He pretty much eats carbs and cheese. He does like oatmeal so we squeeze that in sometimes. In order to get his veggies and some other sort of nutrients in the child, we still give him baby food if he won’t eat anything else. A few times a week we give them both a vanilla instant breakfast shake since it has a lot of vitamins and minerals in it, I purposefully stay away from the chocolate shake!

Just in the last week, Hayden has declared his love for TV. He will go to the ottoman and pull out a Baby Einstein or Sparkabilities DVD and bring it to us for him to watch. As soon as the DVD starts, he climbs up and plops himself down on the couch. We are trying to halt this new found love as much as possible because we don’t want them to sit in front a TV all day. They love to play outside so when he starts this, I’ve been trying to take them outside instead. I don’t know what we’ll do in the summer when its 110 degrees outside. I guess we’ll have to get a little wading pool for them to play in.

Hayden still loves his taggie and pacifier, but especially his taggie. He has started to tell us when he is ready for a nap or bedtime. He will grab his taggie and pacifier and point to his bed. He may not sleep all night, but he knows when he is tired and ready to go to bed. Jonathan says, “kind of like his momma.”


Ian tends to be our sensitive one and definitely has a sweet personality. He is also our musical one, we often see him in the backseat of the car bobbing his head to the music or dancing in the living room to music or even just dancing to the music in his head. He is our songbird.

Over the last week he has started trying to jump, although he hasn’t quite figured out how to get both feet off the ground at the same time. We have a feeling when we get back from our anniversary trip next week, he will be jumping 3 feet off the ground.

While Hayden tends to be a little more cautious, Ian is always going at full speed. Its not strange to find him running through the house or around the couch and kitchen table.

Ian prefers to be barefoot over having anything on his feet. If he has shoes on when you put him in the car, by the time you get him out they will be off, or at least 1 of them will be off. He still walks on his toes (with his toes curled under) sometimes, but not all the time.

When it comes to eating, he is our SLOW eater, but will venture out and try new foods. He typically eats more than Hayden , which is funny because he is the smaller one of the two. He is more likely to stick to eating with his hands more than a fork, but that is slowly changing as he gets used to using utensils more.

Ian loves books and loves to be read to. He will grab a book, walk over to you and then turn around for you to pick him up and put him in your lap so you can read him the book of his choosing.

He love his stuffed animals. He loves snuggling with a teddy bear or his Big Red Clifford Dog. The tree things Ian needs every night is a pacifier (which is a must), taggie and his clifford stuffed animal.

The boys are so much fun now that they are getting a little older and I can’t wait until they really start talking. Happy 18 months boys!!

Spring in Texas…

You never know what spring in Texas is going to bring.  We have had a heavy snow in April before (granted it was back in the 70’s or 80’s), we’ve had hot spring temperatures. We had a spring last year with very little rain and this spring we have had a record breaking amount of rain.  The one constant we count on in Texas are the storms.  And, its the one thing that makes me want to move out of this state! I am scared to death of tornadoes!! I keep telling Jonathan that if he wants to keep me in this house until we die, he needs to have an underground storm shelter put in the backyard.  I”M NOT KIDDING…if I had a spare $5,000-$10,000 I would have a company out here tomorrow digging a giant hole in my backyard, that’s how terrified of storms I am.  I hate being at home alone (especially at home alone with the boys) during a storm…even without a tornado threat. But when there is a chance of tornadic (is that a word?) activity, I am petrified and better NEVER be alone!

Last week we had a horrible tornado outbreak in the DFW area.  There were several cities hit and hundreds of homes destroyed.  I believe the total is up to about 17 confirmed tornadoes that day and by the grace of God, not one fatality. There were so many stories from people during the storms but the one that struck me the most was the story of the grandmother who was in the bathtub with her grandson and two other children she was watching. She was in the neighborhood not too far from our house that was hit and her house was destroyed (the only thing standing was just one portion of a wall).  She had her grandson in her lap and during the tornado she could feel him being pulled into the air and she was holding onto him by his ankles.  The most intriguing part of this story was that when her neighbors came out of their house to help her after the tornado, there was no bathtub in sight.  She and the kids were in the bathtub but it was no where to be found.  They don’t know if they flipped or if they were flung from the tub or what – it was gone! We will never know the mystery of the bathtub, but they were all alive and only had bumps and bruises.  Truly a miracle!

This story hit me so hard because the day of these tornadoes, my mom was at my house watching our boys, only a few miles from where this happened.  Both Jonathan and I were at work and she was by herself with our boys keeping them safe.  She did a great job and she is truly a stronger person than I would have been – I would have been balling like a baby if I was in the middle of all that!

The boys did remarkably well. They are still so young that they had no clue what was going on. They just thought that grammy may be a little crazy for making them play in the bathroom with their toys and wouldn’t let them out. Needless to say they didn’t get a nap that afternoon and were pretty cranky that evening. They were both up for a while around 1100 PM that night, from what I can only guess would be over tiredness and maybe they felt some of the stress from the day.

Luckily we didn’t get hit with the tornado or get any wind damage, but we did get quite the hail storm.  We had hail almost the size of a softball, but not quite that big.  We have a lot of roof damage, including a hole that went through the roof and into the decking.  So wel need a new roof and possibly new gutters, but other than that we are all okay.  Thankfully my mom had parked her car in our garage or she may have had some massive hail damage.

The thing I keep thinking about is that this is just the beginning of spring – we have a whole tornado season to get through! My stress level is going to go through the roof.  Since the storm, I have had several dreams nightmares of hiding from tornadoes and watching houses being destroyed – I don’t sleep soundly anymore.  I can honestly say it is enough to make me move – but then you see how colorado and ohio are having tornadoes too – you aren’t safe anywhere.  I hear Scotland doesn’t have tornadoes, maybe we’ll move there.  Make room Thomas and Olly, we’re coming to Scotland!

This is the hail we had that hit our house:

Ah hell

And, here is some of the roof damage we had:

3 of 6 #txwx #doh

At this point, since apparently Jonathan isn’t going to get me my storm shelter (I’m going to have to talk him into it!) all we can do is pray that we get through this season with no more tornadoes and I don’t get anymore gray hairs than I already have from stress! Amen