Mini Me

When you have a baby (or in our case, babies) you have the long 9 months ahead of you to dream about your child. You wonder who he or she will look like, whose personality they will have and what mannerisms of yours they will take on. Because I was having twins, I had the added thoughts of wondering if our boys would look alike, act alike or even like each other. OK, I never worried about them not liking each other but I did wonder what their relationship would be like.

Well, if you haven’t noticed, our boys are here and it has been amazing to see their personalities start to come out more and see who they take after, me or Jonathan. I think they have a good mix of both of our personalities and looks…but definitely more Jonathan in the looks department, I mean, have you seen our boys?!

BUT…there is one personality trait that our little Hayden and I share. And because of how much I hate having this myself, I really wished I wouldn’t have passed this on. I’ll let you guess what it is by looking at this picture…

this was taken at about 2:30 AM the other morning…and he had been awake since 9:00 PM. Thats 5.5 hours, what 1 month old baby stays awake for 5.5 hours straight?! Don’t let the half closed eyes fool you, he was very much awake, the camera just caught him when he was blinking. Neither of the boys have liked the swing much but it was my next to last resort this night…and it worked. my last resort was to put him in the car and go for a drive because it generally puts them to sleep. Finally about 30 minutes after this picture was taken he drifted off to dream land. While that night was the extreme, he does tend to stay up a while after eating and it is hard for him to go back to sleep, like me. Fortunately, I figured out why this night was so bad. We started him on Prevacid a few days prior to this and the few nights he was on it leading up to this night he was awake more than usual so I linked the insomnia to the Prevacid. That next day I spoke with his pediatrician and she said she has had several parents tell her this happened. Why don’t they warn parents of this?! So we switched him to Zantac and all is better, other than his typical hard to fall asleep nature. The prevacid wasn’t really working anyway so I was glad to switch.

there are some other personality traits or mannerisms that the boys take after either Jonathan or myself and some are funny little quirks like sleeping with their hands by their face/head. they both do funny things with their lips like Jonathan but I have yet to figure out where they get their need to scream or wail when they are hungry. I mean I can get grouchy when I’m hungry but I sure don’t scream, maybe from their dad 😉

It will definitely be fun to see their personalities develop as they grow and start to interact with each other.

One thought on “Mini Me

  1. Pingback: 18 Months Old | Boogers and Burps

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