My list of thanks…

Jonathan posted his list of what he was thankful for so now it’s my turn.

I’m thankful for:
* My wonderful Husband who does more for me than he will ever know and loves me for me.
* My family who also loves me for me
* The ability to love and serve our God without having to risk my life for doing it.
* My doggy who brings me great joy, just as much as she annoys me.
* Electricity (our power just went out)
* My friends, who mean the world to me and life wouldn’t be the same without them.
* Our house that keeps us warm in the winter, cold in the summer and dry in the rain.
* Our cars that get us around wherever we want to go
* My health – even though it hasn’t been the best, it can always be worse.
* The fact that anytime I want ice cream I can just go to our freezer and get it…or the store.
* My camera, so I can keep memories that will be with me for a lifetime.
* Life!

and many, many more things!!

What are you thankful for?

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