The name game

Now that we know we are having boys we are able to finalize the names. We really only had to come up with one boy name because we already had one that we wanted to use if we ever had a boy. We just had to narrow down the middle name.

Baby A has been named Hayden James Blundell. Hayden is a name that both Jonathan and I wanted to name a boy ever since before we were married. I just love the name Hayden and can’t imagine not naming a boy that. We are into the meanings of names and when we looked up the meaning of Hayden, we got a few interesting meanings…from the hedged valley, heathen, and our favorite – leader of the elves. So we obviously didn’t choose this name from the meaning!

Baby B has been named Ian Christopher Blundell. My 9 year old nephew said we should name him Payden since the other baby is Hayden, HAHA. I told him thanks, but we’ll stick with Ian. I went back and forth on this name, not because I didn’t like it, I love it. But because I have a friend whose son’s name is Ian and I didn’t want it to feel like we were stealing his name. But then I thought about it, and we aren’t stealing his name, we are naming our son the same name as a cutie pie little boy and is honestly one of the toughest/strongest little guys I know. We did choose the name Ian because of the meaning, and we both just really like the name. Again there are several different meanings of the name but the one that made us choose it is “gift from God”. It also means God is gracious and it is Scotish for Jon. These babies are truly a Gift from God, and He gave us two gifts at once!

So those are the names we have chosen to name the boys and we no longer have to play the name game and go back and forth, YEAH.

4 thoughts on “The name game

  1. Love the names πŸ™‚
    I particulary love the elves meaning. I actually think you should use that when people ask why you named him that.

  2. Not sure if you are talking about my Ian, but I think it’s great and I love both names! Congrats on two sweet little boys!

  3. Meredith, I think that’s what we’ll tell people πŸ˜‰

    Valerie, thanks and yes I am talking about your Ian

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