questionaire and belly picture

It’s been a couple of weeks since I did a questionaire so here is one for you.

How Far Along: 33 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss: about 25 pounds

Sleep: Luckily the last week hasn’t been as bad, I still get up several times a night but I usually go back to sleep relatively quickly. The only problem now is I am waking up at like 6:00am and not being able to go back to sleep.

Best Moment of the Week: Seeing the boys again last Friday and hearing they are both about 4 pounds each!

Movement: The last couple of days they have been pretty active, they are just squirming now, every once in a while they will jump or try to turn over.

Food Craving: Still ocean waters from Sonic

Labor Signs: I still have contractions that are getting stronger and sometimes it will cause pain in my lower abdomen and lower back, but not often enough to be considered labor signs.

Belly Button: What belly button? It is actually a button now….it sticks out and you can actually push it like a button.

Stretch Marks: So far so good, no stretch marks, hopefully it will stay that way!

Wedding rings: I have retired my actual wedding ring and am wearing my band only now…it still fit but it was getting kinda snug and I didn’t want it to get to the point where I couldn’t take it off.

What I miss: sleeping on my back and stomach and my old clothes

What I’m looking forward to: Believe it or not, my doctors appointment on Friday…we may find out a little more about when we can schedule the c-section.

Other NEW news this week: The boys looked great on Friday at the perinatologist and were doing everything they should be.

Here is a belly shot from this week. I guess It’s not really a belly shot because you can’t really see how much it has grown, but the shirt is the real reason for the picture. It was a gift from Jonathan’s parents and I actually fit into it now.

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