Our Twin Boys are here!

Jonathan and I are happy to announce that on Thursday, October 21, 2010 at 2:36 PM Hayden James Blundell and Ian Christopher Blundell were born. Hayden weighed 4lbs 14oz and was 18 1/4 inches long & Ian weighed 4lbs 11oz and was 18 inches long.

We checked into labor and delivery about 11:30 AM and the nurse got me all hooked up to the monitor until they were ready to take me back to the OR for the c-section.

Before C-Section

Me and Jonathan before surgery

Jonathan was pretty anxious, nervous, etc before hand and wouldn’t sit down…he just kept walking around the room.

Nervous Jonathan

Once I was taken back to the OR they put in my epidural and got me all set up. Let me tell you, having an epidural is a weird feeling…not being able to move your legs/feet is just not right. They gave me something to “help with nerves” before the epidural…which I really didn’t want because I didn’t need anything like that, I was fine. Then they gave me some anti-nausea drugs since I was getting nauseous…so both of those combined made me kind of sleepy. I was trying not to fall asleep through the whole delivery.

The epidural is in...

It didn’t take them long and they were getting started. FYI…there are some graphic photos ahead and are not for those with a weak stomach.

Getting started

And a few minutes later, the boys are here. first comes Baby A – Hayden….he was head down

Hayden James

Next came Baby B – Ian Christopher…he was footling breech (butt first)

Ian Christopher

The nurses took both boys to get them cleaned off, weighed, assessed, etc.

Baby A ~ Hayden

Baby B ~ Ian

Jonathan got to put their first diaper on them and after he was finished the boys were crying and he put his hands on each of their chests and they suddenly stopped crying. It may have been a freak coincidence, but even if it was, it was still pretty cool!

A calming touch

They were both struggling a little bit to breath so we got to see them and hold them for a few minutes before they took them to the nursery for observation.

The Blundells

An instant family of 4!

Jonathan holding Hayden

Me holding Ian...looking up at Jonathan holding Hayden

This has to be one of the best moments of my life!! I’m holding our son and looking up at my husband holding our other son! When thinking back to everything I went through the last 2 years to get to this point….it was SOOO worth it!

While the boys went to the nursery to be observed, they finished putting me back together and then I went to recovery for about an hour and a half. Then I went up to a room. These pictures were taken by the boys’ Aunt Kara while I was still in recovery and the boys were in the nursery.



About 7:00 pm they brought Hayden to my room on his way up to the NICU and I got to hold him for the first time for a few minutes.

Hayden on his way up to NICU

Hayden was having trouble breathing and they decided it was better to take him to NICU. They put him on Oxygen and watched him over night. More to come on his NICU stay in another post.

Ian’s blood sugar was low and he was having some trouble breathing too so they watched him in the nursery as well. At about 11:30 pm that night we got a big surprise and the nurse brought Ian to our room saying he was released from the observation and was ours to keep in the room. He was breathing much better and his blood sugar was stable. We kept him in our room for about 30 minutes holding him and when the nurse came back in we let her take him to the nursery for the night. We were completely exhausted and couldn’t keep our eyes open (and when I say we, I mean I).

Holding Ian

So there you have it, the birth story of our two wonderful boys!

3 thoughts on “Our Twin Boys are here!

  1. Oh Blundells! I’ve been following for some time and couldn’t wait for stories and pictures. God has blessed you and will continue to guide you. Blessings on you all.

  2. Pingback: We Live Simply link love | we live simply

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