
We got some good news the morning of our amnio at the perinatologists office. And, I say good news loosely because the other news isn’t great to hear but it is good news in another way. Still following me? Anyway, we had our amnio to test for the boys’ lung maturity Thursday AM at 9:30 and a c-section scheduled at 1:30 PM that same day, pending the amnio results. We had out growth scan done and the boys had gained a decent amount of weight in 4 weeks. Baby A (Hayden) had an estimated weight of 5lbs 5oz and Baby B (Ian) had an estimated weight of 5lbs 3oz. We also found out that Baby B had flipped, AGAIN, and was now breech again. I mentioned a while back that the hospital that I am delivering at won’t deliver twins via scheduled c-section until 39 weeks unless you had an amnio that showed the lungs were mature. Anyway, the perinatologist came in and said we shouldn’t have to do the amnio now because although the boys had gained weight, their weights had dropped from the 20th percentile 4 weeks ago to the 5th percentile. Based on that they had a diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and that meant they needed to come out that day. The doctor said this was a “good” diagnosis in the sense that we didn’t need to do the amniocentesis, which put me and the boys at risk for several issues. Well, he called my OB and talked to her and she said to come on over to the hospital and we’ll continue with the c-section as scheduled. The boys would be here within 3 or 4 hours ~ CRAZY!

I’ll post more on the boys’ birthday a little later, but for now…I’m off to bed!

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