36 week OB appointment

Today we had another appointment with my OB and all looked good. The boys are doing great and still growing and putting on weight. Baby B (Ian) now has hair too so we won’t have one baldy while the other one has luscious locks. While she was doing the sonogram, Baby A (Hayden) was either licking or sucking on his brothers head…it was pretty funny. Maybe Hayden was trying to tame the wild hair that Ian has grown. Hayden was also trying to show us that he was still a boy and making sure he stayed that way, I let you use your imagination.

I am pretty peeved, I lasted an entire 35 weeks, almost 36 weeks without ONE stretch mark…and overnight I grew some wonderful souvenirs from the pregnancy! I was telling someone a few weeks ago that I was going to be mad if I went the whole pregnancy without a stretch mark and then the week of the c/s I get them….well I’m eating my words now because that’s exactly what happened. ARGGGHH O’well, it was bound to happen. My OB told me today “you are still so small and don’t look like you are carrying twins…but for you and your size, you’re big and have reached maximum capacity.”

We talked about the c-section, epidural, the horrible procedure the boys will endure before they come home, and how long I would stay in the hospital after the c/s. She said I would stay there up to 4 nights after the c/s but if I felt good enough and the boys are doing well enough we could leave after 3…we’ll see how I feel after 3 nights. I told her I wasn’t worried or anxious at all about the surgery, it was the epidural I was worried about. I’ve heard that your blood pressure drops with an epidural, which she said is true, and my blood pressure already bottoms out very easily…so I told her I was worried about my blood pressure dropping and passing out, etc. She said just to tell the anesthesiologist and nurse to warn them and make sure I take my medication that morning. I will have to starve all day since I can’t have anything to eat 8 hours before the surgery. It is scheduled for 1:30 so I can’t have anything to eat after 5:30am and lets face it, I’m not getting up before 5:30 just so I can eat something!

Here is my final questionaire before the boys are here:

How Far Along: 36 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss: about 25 pounds

Sleep: As long as I take either an Ambien or Benadryl I sleep decently.

Best Moment of the Week: knowing that I only have 1 more week left until we meet the boys!

Movement: They are definitely still movers and shakers…the are squirmers for sure! Baby B (Ian) still likes to try to get his little bootie up under my ribs and has pretty much displaced the ribs on my left side. I’m going to need an adjustment after I have them for sure!

Food Craving: Still ocean waters from Sonic and water…for some reason I crave ICE COLD water, it has to be ice cold though.

Labor Signs: Still having contractions which are getting more frequent, intense and are lasting longer but not really a sign that labor is around the corner.

Belly Button: It’s definitely an outie…I call it my actual Button since it sticks out so much, you can press it like a button.

Stretch Marks: not one for 35-36 weeks, and now they decided to appear, 1 week before the boys get here!

Wedding rings: No longer fits, I am now just wearing a wedding band which is too tight sometimes, depending on the day.

What I miss: clothes that fit and having a body that lets me do what I want to do without a big belly that gets in the way.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting to meet my baby boys in 6 days!!!!

Other NEW news this week
: Baylor and their outsourced HR, payroll and leaves of absence department are completely ignorant when it comes to their jobs. One department doesn’t know how to talk to the other and when that happens it totally affects the employee in question. Needless to say I’m hoping to NEVER EVER have to deal with them again on this matter! Ok, my ranting is done.

And lastly, here is a belly shot for the week:

36 weeks with twins

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