30 weeks

We are in the single digits now folks! only 9 weeks and 5 days until little Miss gets here! Well, I don’t know for sure how many days, but since it will be a scheduled C-Section (unless she decides to come earlier than expected) we can guess it will be 9 weeks or so.  I am so ready to be done with this pregnancy and hold her! She is an active little girl and flips all around just like her brother Ian did. She can’t decide if she wants to be head up or head down, each sonogram she’s different.  At the last appointment she had her head and feet up by my ribs and her butt down, crazy girl!
We have painted the room, put the rib and dresser together, so her room is coming together slowly.  This weekend I’m hoping to talk the hubs into anchoring the dresser to the wall and hanging the shelves so I can start to put stuff on the walls and make it feel like an actual nursery….I’ll post pictures when I get it all done.
The boys are still too young to really grasp what’s going on and what’s about to happen.  They know what a baby is and they hear us talking about this baby that is coming, they know the crib is for the “baby” and when we ask where the “baby” is, they point to my stomach. Do they realize that there is an actual baby in my stomach and this baby is coming to live with us, I doubt it.  They’ll get the idea when this baby comes home and doesn’t leave!
Here are some updated answers to the previous survey I’ve done.
Due date: July 30
How far along:   30 weeks
Gender:  It’s a GIRL
Total weight gain/loss:  about 12 or so
Exercise: I’m not allowed to exercise
Stretch marks: only the ones I got from the boys, that are ever so obvious now
Swelling: some mild swelling in my hands and feet by the end of the day
Maternity clothes:  yep
Belly button:  Its disappearing at a rapid pace
Sleep: Insomnia has kicked in
Food cravings:  Cream soda
Symptoms:  contractions all day long, getting uncomfortable, and now having to deal with little miss trying to push apart my ribs, oh and heartburn
Movement:  All. The. Time
Labor signs: just the contractions, but apparently they aren’t doing anything so that’s good.
What I miss: not having to go the bathroom all day long and sleep
What I’m loving:  the anticipation of the new addition
What I’m looking forward to:  finishing up the nursery and my shower in about a week
Best moment this week: 1 week closer to meeting her
Milestones:  Being in the 3rd trimester, finally

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