Weekend wrap up

Another great weeeknd! Friday night we were supposed to go to the David Barnes concert at House of Blues in Dallas but I really didn’t feel like going. It had been a long, frustrating week and I didn’t really want to be in a big crowd of loud people. So instead we took some dinner over to Smiley and Shari..they just had a new baby. Then we went to eat at Bennigan’s and then went to Best Buy to get some new speakers for my computer. Saturday we both slept in until around 11:00 and while Jonathan went to meet with a friend, I caught up on some TV shows that were recordered on the DVR (What Not To Wear, Trading Spaces, and Flip that House). When the hubs got back home we ran to Target (of course) and then to Lowes to get a tree for the backyard and looked around for some ideas of what to put in the flower beds. We got home Saturday just in time to unload the tree and then go the Lynch’s house for dinner and games. It was quite an evening with scene it, Are you smarter than a 5th grader and rock band. Sunday we went to church and I convinced Jonathan to help in the Nursery with me. We had all of 2 kiddos. Then after church, Jonathan had a meeting and I went home and started pulling weeds in our yard. It seems as if the entire yard is one giant weed! I spent 4 hours pulling weeds and barely made a dent in the backyard. I had enough of that and I went in to take a test in my stupid art course. Jonathan finally made it home about 5:30 and then planted our tree that we got the day before. Now we just have to wait and watch it grow-HA. After all that, we were trying to figure out what to make for dinner and his parents showed up. They were on their way back from San Antonio so they stopped by to say hi. We were in the kitchen and Presley started going crazy and barking non stop…I looked through the storm door (I always leave it open it it’s nice out) and there they were walking up the driveway–Nice surprise. We watched a little TV and then headed to bed…both sore and worn out! I’ll post a picture of our new tree sometime this week.

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