someone has a case of the Mondays!

Why is it that when we go back to work on Monday morning, we’re as tired, if not more tired, than we were when we left work on Friday? I think it’s because we do too much in a weekend that we don’t really rest…..we just need a 3 day weekend–one day to recover from the weekend before we go back to work…now there’s an idea! Let’s see if we can adopt that one.

This was a busy weekend. Friday night –well we didn’t do much because I was still under the weather but we rented a movie and then around 10:30 pm Jonathan took off for the Encounter mens 9 event–so I went to sleep 😉 Saturday I pretty much just ran errands and cleaned the house to get ready for the women’s group that was meeting there yesterday. Then Sunday we went to church and then kicked Jonathan out of the house (on his birthday) so the women’s group could meet there for the first time. We had a good turn out-about 21 women came! After they all left, we cleaned up a bit and then headed to Mesquite for a Birthday dinner with his family and my parents. He’s 29 now–and no, Jonathan, that’s not old! Happy Birthday!!

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