
The winner for the first one to get stitches goes to……Ian!  I’m really late at posting this, but about a month ago we were getting the boys ready for bed one night an, well lets just say we took a slight detour to urgent care on our way to bed. The boys were being crazy, as always and Ian was climbing on the glider rocker I just put back in their room a day before. We both had told him to get down and the next thing we knew he was on the floor, crying and holding his head.  At this point there was no blood or anything so I picked him up and Jonathan went to get an ice pack to put on his head. When I sat in the chair to take a look at his head, I was surprised to find blood running down his entire face.  I immediately told Jonathan, “we’re going to need more than an ice pack!”  I pulled his hair back and he had a huge gash on his head, right at about his hairline. It was about an inch long and pretty deep at one end of it.  Since Jonathan’s mom had just left from watching them all day a little before this, I had Jonathan call my mom and ask if they could come over and stay with Hayden while we took Ian. So we called their pediatrician to see where the best place to take him would said since he didn’t lose consciousness or anything.  once my parents got there, we just took him to the urgent care facility that was next to the pediatricians office instead of an ER. It was a great facility and we had a great experience – as good as you can have under the circumstances.

The doctor there agreed that it was deep towards the bottom of the gash and that he would need 4 stitches. Here is the before picture:


Ian was so good, he just sat there and played with his curious George stuffed animal while the doctor was looking at his head and when she was giving him the “shots” to numb the area before stitching him up he just laid there watching, what else, Curious George, on Jonathan’s iPhone. This kid was awesome, not one tear or anything while he was getting stitches! I was a very proud momma!

IMG_9249 When we were all finished we went home and he went to bed.  Of course we gave him some Tylenol in case his head was hurting, and. I honestly expected him to wake up throughout the night and be a little cranky the next day. Again, it didn’t even phase him!


The next day himself just his normal self. Jonathan was home with them that next day and his biggest problem was keeping him still enough not to bang his head again!

IMG_9259He did just as great when we went to the pediatrician to get the stitches out.  By the time we went to get them removed, he only had 2 stitches left…the other 2 had fallen out sometime over the previous 7 days. Oops.

Poor Hayden didn’t know what to do when Ian got hurt. I had Ian in the kitchen with me while I was holding a towel to his head to stop the bleeding and Hayden was just standing there tearing up because Ian was hurt.  He didn’t know what to do and was worried about his brother.  I asked Hayden if he would go get Ian’s pacifier just to give him something to do and maybe he would feel like he was helping. He immediately went to find it and when he brought it to Ian he wouldn’t get any closer than about 2 feet from him, so he just threw it at him and backed away. It was the funniest thing! But it was sweet, he was worried about his brother.

Here’s to hoping we wont have anymore stitches in our future with any of the kids!

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