
Where should I start? Well for starters, I’m just going to be selfish here and ask for prayers because since Sunday my heart has been going crazy and hasn’t made me feel that well. I called my cardiologist yesterday and I still haven’t heard back from her so pray she calls back today.

Well, some people have asked me what exactly is wrong with my heart, and to be honest with you, I can’t exactly tell you. There’s no one thing that’s wrong with it. There are several things and some that aren’t figured out yet. So this is what we know is wrong. About 5 years ago I started having problems with my heart, I started passing out for no reason, I would get lightheaded and dizzy and my heart would start racing (up to 300 beats per minute). After 3 years they finally figured out I had proxismal SVT (supraventricular tachycardia). Luckily there was a cure for this–a radio-frequency ablation. 2 years ago I had an ablation on my heart and during this they burned an extra pathway on my heart that was causing the tachycardia and my heart to race. Everything was great for about 6 months then it all started again, except my heart wasn’t racing, it was skipping beats and then throwing extra beats in when ever it felt like it. These are PVC’s (premature ventricular tachycardia) and PAC’s (premature atrial tachycardia). It’s very normal for people to occasionally have these, every one does every once in a while. Except I get them about every 5 mintues all throughout the day. This makes me feel horrible and makes me extremely tired. Well that’s one thing, the other issue I have is I have MVP (mitral valve prolapse) with regurgitation. MVP is where one of the valves or your herat leaks blood. Your blood goes through the valve into another part of the heart and the purpose of the valve is to keep blood from flowing back into the part it came from. MVP with regurgitation like I have is where the blood flows back so blood with oxygen is mixed with blood without oxygen. This is essentially harmless, for a while. Over time it has worn my heart out and is now not able to pump as efficiently as it should…because of this my hands and feet are always ice cold and blue. It’s fine now and hopefully it will stay the same and not get any worse. Thirdly I have vaso-vagal syncopy…I pass out for no apparent reason and with no warning. For no reason, that we know of, my blood pressure drops drastically and I pass out. It’s happened so much that now when it happens I just get right back up and go back to what I was doing! I think I freak people out. HAHA. I was recently told I have Cardiac Syndrome X….which is just a bunch of symptoms thrown together and given a name. There isn’t much research or literature done on this syndrome and we aren’t sure if all my other issues are a part of this and caused by this or seperate from it. Syndrome X is basically saying my body thinks my arteries are clogged and makes my body think I’m having a heart attack when in actuallity i’m not. It is a problem with the little blood vessels in your heart and body. It also causes headaches and migraines. This might describe it better: Cardiac Syndrome X
Lastly my cardiologist was thinking I might have a congenital (from birth) abnormality with my coronary arteries…they might not be in the right place so when I exercise they get squeezed and decrease blood flow to the heart and it doesn’t get enough oxygen. I doubt this is the case but she hasn’t ruled it out yet. Well I think this is long enough and way too much info so that’s it.

3 thoughts on “Issues

  1. We are praying for strength and peace of mind . We are always here for you, Call me If you want to vent!!

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