Friday Video Fun

This day in age, we all have cameras, and I absolutely love that my phone is my camera and video camera.  The problem is, I get video a lot but never do anything with it.  It just stays on my camera indefinitely until I figure something to do with it. So here are a few videos I shot in one day with our boys, just to give you an idea of what a typical day is kind of like with two 1 year olds.  It is about 6 minutes long because I just couldn’t cut anymore out of the videos, I liked them all!  But I am a little biased. There is a part of the video where Ian tries to push the chair back up after it fell and I love his persistence in trying…even though he eventually gives up and moves on.  I also love their faces when they realize they got caught trying to sit in one of their toys after they had been told not to.  Enjoy!

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