
After all the tests and blood work and everything we have an answer to why I’ve felt so bad. For those who haven’t heard anything I have had a rough week and a half or so. Since last Sunday (not this past one but the one before that) my heart has been going crazy. I woke up Sunday morning and my heart was pounding out of my chest which in turn made it really hard for me to breath and really tired. After a couple of days of this it started to make me feel lightheaded and dizzy and just overall weak feeling. So I called my Dr. and she oreder an Echocardiogram to check the status of my mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation and functionality of my heart. The ordered blood tests and an EKG to check the electrical aspect of my heart. Then finally yesterday morning she ordered a monitor to record my hearts activity that I wore for 24 hours. She called me this morning and said there had been no change in my echo and my heart was working just like it was a year ago–good news. My blood work was all normal except for a low potassium and for those who aren’t in the medical field, a low potassium affects your heart. It wasn’t extremely low or anything just lower than it should be. So I’m just eating more potassium rich foods. My EKG from yesterday morning showed a high heart rate–around 125-130 and I was just sitting there. The monitor from the last 24 hours showed a high heart rate as well and numerous PVC’s (premature ventricular contractions). The PVC’s we already knew I had and for that I’m alreaady on medication. The surgery I had last October was for the PVCs but was unsuccesful so that’s why I’m on medication. Anyway–all it comes down to is I have a pretty high heart rate and low potassium and that’s what has been causing all my issues the last week or two. I asked her why my heart rate was so high and she said “It’s just who you are–your body is in constant overdrive and it’s a part of your make up.” I have, or had before surgery, SVT which is where your heart rate shoots up to 300 beats per minute and that is an abnormal heart arythmia. She told me that people who have SVT are prone to have inapropriate sinus tachycardia…which is a normal heart rhythm but just fast and makes everything into overdrive. That along with my other syndrome makes my heart rate fast. When she first put me on medicaion a while back it helped my heart rate but over time my body has just gotten used to it and now we need to up my dose. So she doubled my medication and it should all be back to normal–for me! Oh ya and I’m definitely supposed to stop drinking caffiene now! DOH! I was drinking a monster when she called-HA. I don’t drink a whole lot of caffiene but I do drink some so I guess I’ll have to stop now. So that’s the news–thanks for your prayers and hopefully I’ll start feeling better within the next day or two.

One thought on “Answers

  1. Good to hear the news. Welcome to Brad’s world with no caffeine. He has dealt with it for a very long time and I have been able to help him out with DeCaf coffees and he has found a couple he can deal with. He has to have a Root Beer though once in a blue moon, he still enjoys a Root Beer Float, no caffeine worries with that soft drink. Like Jonathon I have to deal with the worries when Brad has those moments of a pounding heart. As always prayers and thoughts of good luck all around.
    Brad and Debbie Frankie

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