8 Months

Late as usual…..


Harper is growing up so fast, its crazy! She has such a fun little personality, she keeps us laughing.  Harper loves to smile and laugh. She get so excited when she sees her brothers and just starts squealing and smiling from ear to ear.  She is such a curious baby too.  She is always trying to peak around us or whatever is in her way to see things. She examines every little thing like her brother Hayden.


This girl moves non-stop! She kicks her legs more than any baby I have ever seen.  When she’s excited, they go crazy.  She loves to stand up and try to walk, that’s when she’s the happiest. She thinks she is such a big girl when she stands up.  She is doing pretty good at standing by herself while holding on to something.


Harper has TWO teeth now.  They came in within about 3 days of each other.  She did great with them, just like the boys.  She was a little fussy for a few days and not sleeping as well, but still good, and she went to laugh one morning and I saw a tooth!

IMG_5423I think Harper is going to love the outdoors just like her brothers and mama does.  She loves to sit outside and watch her brothers play, but her most favorite thing to do outside is swing!  She just giggles and squeals and gets those legs going.


IMG_5179She has started to “crawl” and is moving all over the place.  She doesn’t really crawl on her hands and knees, but she does an army crawl and it gets her where she wants to go! I like it because since she’s not on her hands and knees, it slows her down and she can’t move as fast ;).  I am in no hurry for her to crawl or walk.

Harper still doesn’t like baby food – but really, who can blame her?! Every time I try to give it to her, she spits it out and acts like its the worst thing ever. I keep trying in hopes that one day she’ll just realize that she likes it.  She does love the puffs though!  Maybe she’ll be one that just skips baby food and goes straight to table food.


Harper is such a sweet little girl, and I love her sweet little touch and the way she lays her head down on my shoulder right as I turn off the lights and about to put her in her crib at night.  My favorite time of day is giving her last bottle to her because she’s still half asleep and such a cuddle bug.  After she finishes her bottle, she’ll just lay her head on my shoulder and go to sleep. Its so hard to put her down after that!

My sweet girl is slowly growing out of the baby stage and it makes me sad.  She is the last baby in our house and I just want to savor it all.  I am in no hurry for her to get to that next stage…or the next.  She can take as long as she wants to crawl, walk, etc.  I am just soaking up all these last baby moments and loving them all!

And now I’ll leave you with my absolute favorite photo from our 8 month photo shoot

Seriously Mom, no more photos!!

Seriously Mom, no more photos!!


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