7 months old

Hayden & Ian

My boys…you are 7 months old now, you’re growing up too fast! In the last month you have really grown up, in your abilities and looks. You are really starting to look like little boys instead of a babies. You got your Doc Bands off a few days ago and now have wonderfully round noggins…and easily accessible heads to kiss! It is soo much easier to snuggle with you guys now that you don’t have the bands on and a lot less hassle over all. But we are very glad we put you in the bands and corrected your head shape because it made a huge difference. Hayden you don’t even look like the same baby. You two absolutely love Presley, anytime she comes around you start cracking up and could just sit and watch her forever. You started waking up earlier this past month and are now waking up anywhere from 600 – 715 AM. I kinda liked the 800-830 wake up time but I know you are getting older and that means earlier mornings! You boys are now sitting in high chairs and are about out of your infant carriers. We have two big boy car seats in the car now and I think you guys like them because you have more room to move around šŸ˜‰


Hayden, you are soooo close to crawling. You get up on your hands and knees and just rock back and forth like you are about to take off. You do scoot backwards some but not really crawling, and to get where you want to go, you roll all over the place. You are still just as sweet as ever and are smiling and laughing a whole lot more. You now have 2 teeth and they really didn’t bother you when they came in. You hear all these horror stories of babies teething and you didn’t seem to mind it much, of course you were fussy a little bit but not bad at all. You absolutely love your jumperoo and will jump like crazy in it! You are eating all kinds of baby food now but would still rather just drink your formula. In the morning you will lay in your bed and “talk” for a while before we get you up and when we go in you have a BIG grin on your face. You are finally getting some hair that people can see, wahoo! It’s also getting darker so you notice it more.


Ian, as you can see your hair is still crazy. It is getting longer but still likes to stand straight up on the side and in the back. If you can’t change it, accentuate it…so we give you a mohawk. You are still just a happy go lucky little guy and active as all get out. But lately we have noticed more and more that you will just sit and play calmly with your toys and you have become more observant. You will get up on your hands and knees too but don’t really try to crawl…you would much rather stand up! You like to grab us, try to stand up and climb up us. It’s pretty funny to watch. You love to “walk” around in your walker and will end up down the hall if we turn our back for a minute. You don’t have any teeth yet but I think they may be trying to break through. The only time you are fussy because you are teething is when you eat. The pressure of sucking from the bottle causes your gums to hurt so we give you some orajel and your good to go. You love your baby food and eat a lot of different things now. You will talk a lot too while waiting for us to come in your room in the morning, but lately you have started “singing.” You talk as if you are singing and it is hilarious! I think you may be our little songbird.

This is such a fun age and I really enjoy watching you both learn all these new things and hearing your laughs and all the new sounds you make. I can’t wait to see what you learn this month!

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