2 month check up

Hayden & Ian @ 7 weeks

The boys had their 2 month check up this week with the pediatrician. They are growing like weeds! Here are their 2 month stats:

Hayden: 9lbs, 6oz and 20.75 inches long
Ian: 9lbs, 1.5oz and 20.25 inches long

Their weight gain, growth, head control, etc. was all on track for their age and unfortunately this was the check up that they got their shots. They did great though! We discussed a few issues that we have been having and left with a plan for both boys.

As I have mentioned in a previous post, both boys have had some issues with reflux and formula. We switched both boys to Elecare, a hypoallergenic formula, and started them on Zantac for the reflux.

Well Hayden has done exceptionally well with the Zantac and formula and we were certain that all his issues were just the reflux, not a formula issue. So we asked the pedi if we could try a regular sensitive formula and she said we can and if he doesn’t tolerate it (which we should know within about 2 or 3 bottles) we’ll just switch back to the Elecare. Well he has had the regular formula for about 48 hours and been doing great on it. So that means now we only have one boy on the expensive stuff.

Hayden was positioned really low in utero and basically stuck there so he didn’t change positions at all. Because of this, he now has a 1/2 flattened, 1/2 misshaped head in the back and tends to not turn his head to the left and tilts it to the right pretty much all the time. So we are being referred to cranial technologies for an evaluation for physical therapy on his neck muscles and whether or not he will need a DocBand (helmet) for his head. So basically he switched his expensive formula for an expensive helmet and therapy. But that’s ok, he’s totally worth it!

Ian has been our problem child lately, not with his behavior or anything, he’s a great baby, but he’s been having a lot of feeding issues. He has reflux as well so he is on Zantac too and still on Elecare. His reflux has gotten a little better now that he is on Zantac but his feeding issues are still the same as before he on was Elecare. So now we aren’t sure if it is a formula issue or something else going on. We just increased his Zantac to three times a day to see if that helped and if it doesn’t help by Friday (tomorrow) then we are to call the pedi back and she will send us to a gastrointerologist at Childrens. Of course I would just assume go somewhere else other than children’s, but I know they have good doctors there and I won’t hinder my child’s care just because of feelings I have towards a hospital.

Despite Ian not eating as much as he was and having his feeding issues, he is clearly gaining weight so that’s the good news. Hopefully we can get some answers as to what Ian’s issue is and get it fixed soon. We are about at our witts end and not sure what to do. It would be one thing if that was our only child to deal with, but while dealing with him, we still have another baby that needs our attention and we can’t give 100% to either one.

The pedi told us we can let the boys sleep through the night without getting them up to eat and that was music to our ears. We knew Hayden would do ok with that since he has only been drinking about an ounce or two in the middle of the night and sleeping through that. But Ian won’t have anything to do with that. We aren’t going to push it right now though because of his feeding issues. He doesn’t take that much at once anymore so it’s not enough to hold him all night. Hayden will take 6 ounces at 9:00 PM and then sleep until 5:00 AM when we get him up to eat again. He has done this for the last 3 nights and it has been sooo nice! Now we only have to deal with one baby at 1 AM and it cuts our middle of the night feeding times in half!! So thank you Hayden!

We will go back for another check up at 4 months and see how much they have grown, can’t wait!

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