11 Months Old

The boys turned 11 months old today! Wow, one more month and they’ll be a year old.  I can’t believe how much the boys have “grown up” in the last month.  They are both trying to walk, Ian has walked about 3 feet by himself and Hayden has taken a few steps but thats about it.  Hayden just doesn’t really care to walk, he can get around crawling, so why walk.

The boys are eating a lot more finger foods and less baby food.  Hayden is the one that we thought was going to be our big eater, but boy were we wrong! Ian sure has surprised us…that boy can eat! He eats pretty much anything we put in front of him.  Hayden doesn’t like to eat a whole lot of finger foods.  We have tried to give him chicken several times, but he just doesn’t like it.  He did eat some green beans the other night though.  He will eat rice and pinto beans from Chipotle, so we may just have to eat at Chipotle all the time, ha.  They both love pears so they get that pretty often for breakfast.  I made some pancakes for them a few weeks ago and they both seemed to like those and of course, they ate some of my cheese pizza the other day and loved it.

They both drink wonderfully from a straw and love their sippee cups.  The other day I looked down and Ian had gotten a hold of my cup and was drinking my coke….So far all they have had was water, and I’m not in any hurry to change that.

The boys are making all kinds of different noises and laughs and funny faces that they make. Ian has started squealing when he gets excited and Hayden will start flapping his arms up and down and get a big smile on his face.

We have started putting the boys in the church nursery this last month and they have done great.  The only issue we’ve had is that they both got some runny noses for about a week last week and Hayden’s actually turned into a mild case of croup.  But they are both better now and doing great.

Ian has 4 teeth now and Hayden has 5 teeth, almost 6…there’s one right under the skin, but it hasn’t quite poked through yet.

The boys absolutely loooove to be outside and since its been quite a bit cooler the last few weeks we’ve been able to go outside in the evenings more.

helping dad pull weeds

Our lives have definitely gotten busy over the last few months, the boys are everywhere and in to everything.  We may be busy, but it is such a fun time.  I love getting to spend time with my boys and watch them grow and learn new things. Jonathan and I will just sit and watch them play, which can be quite entertaining. Here’s to another fun month and watching what they’ll learn to do next!

One thought on “11 Months Old

  1. I know I’m prejudiced, but they are my favorites. Thanks for the great pictures and being such wonderful parents.

    I love all of you and am extremely proud of each of you.

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