10 months old


10 months

Harper girl is 10 months and it is simply amazing the things she is doing compared to 9 months! For starters, she’s everywhere…it was pretty hard to get a photo this month.  She would much rather climb in the chair than sit still for a photo.  These photos were all taken in about a 2 minute time frame!




This girl is a ball of energy! She loves to be on the move, but most of all, she loves to dance!  Anytime there is music on she starts bouncing up and down and dancing.  She’s been doing this since she was about 4 months old.  She would sit there and rock back and forth to the music.  She is crawling all over the place and trying to walk.  She walks all along the couch and around our ottoman and does great walking with just holding onto our fingers.


She may be full of energy, but she isn’t crazy…she will also just sit on the floor and play quietly with her toys for 20 minutes at a time.  The other day she sat in the corner of the living room with her toys for like 30 minutes.

Harper’s hair is getting thicker and longer and I have this fear of cutting it.  I have trimmed it once, just because after her DocBand came off, there were a few patches that had grown long while the other part broke off and was shorter.  Her bangs are getting long and are always in her face that I have started to put bows in her hair to keep it out of her face. And, her hair is finally thick enough to hold the bows.


She is a very content baby, we were a little worried her first 4 months of life…she was the complete opposite and very high maintenance. She’s also not in any pain or discomfort anymore, she gets what she needs and is a very happy baby.  She loves to laugh and squeal, and I love to hear her laugh and squeal!


She loves to be where the boys are and watch them play.  She is a girl who loves cars, but who can blame her…they are everywhere! She will take a car and push it back and forth on the floor like her brothers do.



We still haven’t made huge progress in the food department.  Unless its a cracker or rice cake, she doesn’t want it.  She won’t even let me put baby food in her mouth, she takes the spoon and pushes it out of the way.  She has put a few small pieces of peach in her mouth…she didn’t like them much, but she tried it! She still loves her milk and gets drinks 4-5 bottles a day, still 7 ounces in a bottle.

She still takes Prevacid twice a day and the Bethanechol 4 times a day 30 minutes before each bottle.  She does a really great job taking her medicine and actually loves it.


Harper is a great sleeper!  I can finally start to enjoy my nights again before going to bed myself.  The boys usually stayed awake until after their 800 bottle, but Harper is ready for bed around 600, 700 at the latest. It really just depends on her nap schedule, but typically she will be out by 700 and then we will give her another bottle around 900-1000 and she goes right back to sleep.  Then she will sleep until morning…although that can vary some too.  She will wake up at 530 am some mornings, but usually its 700-800 am, then she’ll eat and play about 2 hours before her first nap.  I try to get her down for her 2nd nap about 2.5 hours after she wakes up from her first nap and then she’ll go to bed 3.5-4 hours after she wakes up from the 2nd nap. Her naps are usually about an hour long, a few days a week she will sleep 2 hours in the morning.  Very rarely do her naps work out to be the same time as the boys nap…she usually wakes up right when the boys go down for their nap.  The only day that they will line up is on Sundays after church.  That’s when momma tries to take a nap too!

harper10months3Harper has started to say “Hi” and we can officially say that is her first word.  We will walk in a room and say “Hi Harper” and she will look at us and say “Hiiiiii”, its sooo cute and her voice is adorable.  She “talks” all the time and knows exactly what she is saying!

My sweet little girl is such a blessing to our family and I can’t believe how much I am in love with her! I love watching her with her brothers and when they are all sitting together in a circle playing, my heart just melts!IMG_7044


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