I’ve been tagged…

Amber tagged me so now I guess it’s my turn to list 7 things about me. So here goes:

1. It’s no surprise–I love photography, taking it, looking at it, anything about it. I love learning new ways to improve my skills.

2. I’m in a group on Flickr where you take a self portrait of some sort every day for 365 days. It makes you think about photography techniques and you end up learning and improving your photography. It’s tough, but I’m having fun.

3. I am dying to go to the UK…London, Scotland, Ireland. Maybe one day the hubs and I will make it there…and then maybe we’ll get to visit our mates Thomas and Olly who live in Scotland.

4. I love the feel of digging my feet in the sand on the beach.

5. I have a fear of deep waters, that’s why I like the beach, not the ocean…I don’t know why, I’ve never had a traumatic experience with it, I just don’t like it. It freaks me out! Just looking at the ocean on google maps kinda makes me hyperventilate!

6. I would love to do a triathlon one day but I hate running, so maybe I’ll just do a bike race instead.

7. I love making my house feel like a home! That includes, painting it, putting up decorations or even just rearranging the furniture to make it flow. It’s my home and where I can be me, a safe place, I want it to feel like it’s mine!

Now I tag Shari…..


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around casa de Blundell. Last weekend Jonathan and I put up the Christmas lights, the tree and all the decorations inside.
Day 74 ~ 365 Days Project
Of course I couldn’t reach the top of the tree so Jonathan had to put the star up.
Jonathan putting the star on our tree
I’m always afraid Jonathan will fall off the roof when he’s putting up the Christmas lights so I have to stay our there to “supervise”, and while I’m standing there, why not take pictures…
Jonathan Jonathan
There are always some of our decorations that I love to put out and I’m always tempted to keep them out all year long, but couldn’t get away with it. This is one of my favorite decorations–it’s a candle holder, if you take the top off the candle is inside.
Day 75 ~ 365 Days Project
Then there is my favorite ornament…it says “Youngest Child (mom’s favorite)
Day 76 ~ 365 Days Project
But my favorite part of Christmas is being with family and making more memories. This year we are having Jonathan’s family over for the Blundell/Knotts family Christmas on the 23rd, we’re excited about that. Just 24 more days until Christmas, are you ready?

Life’s Changes

A little over six years ago I started my career as a respiratory therapist at Children’s Medical Center and a week and a 1/2 ago I gave them my resignation. I learned a heck of a lot while working at CMC and worked with some of the sickest kids. I started working on the general care floors and then worked my way to the ER and Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. After about 4 years I moved to the pulmonary lab where I mainly did diagnostics and less therapeutics. I made some wonderful friends while at CMC and will never forget them.

But all good things must come to an end and while the last year or so for me at my job has brought many frustrations and anger at times, I am happy to close the door on my life at CMC. By doing so, it only starts a new chapter in my life that I am extremely excited about. I am starting my new job at the Martha Foster Lung Center at Baylor Hospital in Dallas on Monday and can’t wait. I will still be dong diagnostics but I’ll also be more involved with the whole care of the patient instead of just diagnostic testing.

Lets rewind a few months shall we. I was offered a job at El Centro college as the lab coordinator for the nursing and allied health schools back in march and I would have loved it but because of insurance reasons I couldn’t take it. Back in September I applied for this position at Baylor and was offered it. But I turned it down. But at the beginning of November I noticed that the position was still available on their website and I had thought about it more and I did regret turning it down and had rethought some things and decided that Baylor is where I should be so I called the manager and asked her if I could be reconsidered for the position. She said they were interviewing so once they were done she would let me know. Luckily, she offered it to me again!! I knew that if God had held this job open for me and it was offered to me AGAIN, then it must be where I’m supposed to be. I was a little worried because of my back and heart and my insurance not covering my past November 30 but all my worries were taken care of. I had follow up appointments with my cardiologist and neurosurgeon (along with another catscan) the last week of November and they both said I was doing ok. We have adjusted my cardiac meds and he said i’m good and don’t need to be seen again (Unless I need to) until March. My neurosurgeon said my broken vertebrae are healing, not healed completely yet, healing and I don’t need to see him again unless something comes up! So yeah, I don’t have to worry anymore. My new insurance with Baylor will kick in on Monday so just as long as I don’t get sick between now and then we’re all good.

So needless to say, God answers prayers and watches over us, even if we don’t feel it. I heard a saying once that has always stuck with me…”When God is silent, He is not still”. Even though we may not be aware He is doing things in our life, He is!

My list of thanks…

Jonathan posted his list of what he was thankful for so now it’s my turn.

I’m thankful for:
* My wonderful Husband who does more for me than he will ever know and loves me for me.
* My family who also loves me for me
* The ability to love and serve our God without having to risk my life for doing it.
* My doggy who brings me great joy, just as much as she annoys me.
* Electricity (our power just went out)
* My friends, who mean the world to me and life wouldn’t be the same without them.
* Our house that keeps us warm in the winter, cold in the summer and dry in the rain.
* Our cars that get us around wherever we want to go
* My health – even though it hasn’t been the best, it can always be worse.
* The fact that anytime I want ice cream I can just go to our freezer and get it…or the store.
* My camera, so I can keep memories that will be with me for a lifetime.
* Life!

and many, many more things!!

What are you thankful for?

Starving artist!!!

Okay not really, but I thought that would get your attention. I have opened a gallery on imagekind where people can purchase photos I’ve taken. Not that I’m expecting people to but I thought, why not make money if I can…and maybe help us pay off some of our debt, or a new camera lens-HAHA. So if you feel obliged visit my gallery at http://lblundell.imagekind.com or just click the link to the sidebar to the right…is says “imagekind, buy my art”. Take a look around and let me know what you think.


Wow has it been an exhausting couple of weeks! There’s been a lot going on with the Blundell’s, well with me anyway. I’m not going to go into much detail at all but after months and months of waiting for something I really wanted, I finally got it and then had to turn it down for some specific reasons. It was a difficult choice but in the end I felt it was something I had to do and now I feel at peace with my decision. About a week or two ago I had another episode with my heart and it’s still not back to normal yet but I talked with my cardiologist and to make a long story short, she feels it’s best to have another surgery. They would do 1 of two things, or both–1- repair the issue they fixed in my heart 3 years ago that might have regrown, 2- fix another area of my heart, or do both of those. They really won’t know what to do until they get in there. My doctor feels it’s best to do the surgery again to make sure everything is okay and if not, fix it then. I currently have another heart monitor for a few weeks and after that I’ll talk with my cardiologist about a plan. So in the mean time, I’ve doubled my meds again and continue to be completely worn out, out of breath, lightheaded and have my heart beat out of my chest all day long. It’s great!

Good news–well I think it is. I had a follow up Cat scan and appointment with my nuerosurgeon this morning and as he said “the fractures in your spine aren’t getting any worse, that’s good.” “They aren’t healed but they aren’t any worse.” He said as of right now, he doesn’t think I will need a surgery to fix it but he wants to see me back in 3 months and get another CT and we’ll go from there. I’m still in a lot of pain and can’t do much without hurting but life goes on whether you are in pain or not. And unfortunately since you can’t see my injury people tend to forget about it and either not believe me when I say I’m hurting or think I’m a baby because I still have pain. I asked the doctor how long it would take for the pain to go away and he said about 3 to 6 months. Seriously! i have like another month or 3 months of hurting!! O’well, like I said–Life goes on.

Needless to say, it’s been a crazy/stressful couple of weeks around here. Hopefully it will get better, i’m sure it will!


For those of you who haven’t heard, it’s been a crazy week around the Blundell household! Tuesday morning this happened:

How that happened you ask? Well, I have a history of vasovagal syncope where my blood pressure bottoms out and I drop like a fly–all within like 5 seconds. Anyway, I was getting a cortisone shot in my elbow Tuesday morning at the orthopedics office (for tendonitis) and about 5 minutes after the shot down I go. Not sure what caused me to pass out–I typically don’t get queasy or anything from shots or stuff like that so not sure what caused them to happen. Well, I was sitting on the exam table and within 5 seconds of feeling lightheaded I was on the ground. Apparently I fell head first and hit the top of my head on the floor and then proceeded to roll over a little and pull my neck under when I fell. So I strained, pulled, stretched and sprained everything in my neck and shoulders. But the orthopedic doctor wanted me to go to the emergency room because I couldn’t sit up without feeling dizzy, queasy or lightheaded. The ortho doctor did some x-rays of my spine/neck to make sure i was ok to drive to the emergency room, which they were. So my mom came and picked me up at the doctors office and took me to Baylor ER where Jonathan meet us. The ortho doc called ahead so they would get me right back, which they did. They did the typical triage stuff and an EKG. Then the trauma doctor came in and ordered an MRI of my brain/neck to look at my head/spine and nerves. I was having some pins and needles like pain which would have been nerve damage. After the MRI, which was miserable because the pain meds they gave me did not do anything, I got back to the room and the nurse said I could have another type of pain medicine…and that was the good stuff!! If anyone ever offers you Dilaudid TAKE IT! This medicine works soo well, once they shot it in my IV it took literally 3 or 4 minutes and like 80% of my pain was gone…the only thing is it only lasts like 2 hours. O’well. Well later on all the doctors and nurses switch and then the group that has no clue what’s going on comes in. FUN! To make a long story short, I had an MRI, 2 catscans and several x-rays and blood work done. It is now around 10:00pm and a neurosurgery resident came in…she said they weren’t sure what the MRI said because they hadn’t seen it–WHAT! go look at it. Anyway, they got another CT because they finally saw the MRI and it looked like there were possibly some micro fractures on my T1 and T2. They got the CT results and it looked ok so the trauma doctor talked to a neurosurgeon and he wasn’t sure about the micro fractures so we’ll never know if they were or were not there.
Well, 12 hours later the trauma doctor came in and said we were free to go and the only other thing they saw was that my white blood cell count was significantly higher than normal, which typically means an infection somewhere. So he wanted me to go see my primary physician in a couple days and then follow up with the neurosurgeon. Oh and now, 12 hours later, I can take the stupid C-Collar off that was on my neck (the thing on my neck in the picture above).
So here I am 2 days later and still in a tremendous amount of pain. I just can’t get comfortable no matter what I do. I haven’t really slept in 2 days and hopefully things will change tonight. I went to see my primary physician today and she gave me some muscle relaxers and an anti-inflammatory drug that will help and not just mask the pain I’m having. She came in and first asked what happened, with kind of a laugh in her voice…I asked her if she really wanted to know and then told her the whole story. She said it was the best story all day! Glad I could help her out! It is kinda funny but still kind of painful at the same time. Specially since I can’t laugh, talk or do anything without pain. I go see a neurosurgeon next Wednesday just to follow up and make sure everything is ok. So that’s the saga of our household…sorry it was so long!

weekend update

Sorry, but this weekend update isn’t going to be as funny as the weekend update on Saturday Night Live..oh how I love that one! Anyway, it was a good weekend, another busy one though- for the most part. Friday we ate dinner at the best restaurant in town–chick fil a and then headed over to Lowes to get some fertilizer for our lawn. When we got home we spread the fertilizer on the grass and then watered. Saturday was pretty much a lazy day until about 3:30 and then we headed to Rockwall. Jonathan had a CWF show so I had him drop me off at my parents so my mom and I could go shopping a little bit. We were in Rockwall so she dropped me off towards the end of the show and then Jonathan and I picked up the presinator at my parents afterwards and headed home. Sunday was our turn in the nursery at church so we played with a couple of kids for a few hours and then headed home to eat some lunch. After lunch we cleaned up the kitchen a little and then did some much needed mowing and edging of the front and back yard. After that we decided we to go get ceiling fan for our office because it gets sooo hot in there. So off to Lowes we go to pick out a fan. When we got back Jonathan installed the fan while I gave Presley a bath and flea treatment — She has never had fleas and I’m trying to keep it that way. After all that we made some brinner..breakfast for dinner. Mmmm, eggs sausage and bacon. And that was our weekend – it was anything but restful but a good one either way.

Anniversary Questionaire

Here is a questionaire that Jonathan found somewhere and we both answered it and posted it on our blogs, so we’ll see if our answers match.

1. How long have you been married? 1 year to the day
2. How many people came to your wedding reception? About 250 or so.
3. What kind of cake did you serve? A white cake with some spring flowers on it and a red velvet top layer
4. Where was your wedding? Lake Ridge Bible Church
5. What did you serve for your meal? Chick fila nuggets, fruit and other finger foods
6. How many people were in your bridal party? 15 – 6 bridesmaides, 6 groomsmen, 2 flower girls and a ring bearer
7. Are you still friends with them all? Yes.
8. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony? I don’t think so.
9. Most special moment of your wedding day? The whole thing, but probably when the doors opened at the church
10. Any funny moments? My nephew sneezed and a HUGE wad of snot came out of his nose and he caught it in his hand. Then he proceeded to wipe it on the new carpet.
11. Any big disasters? nope.
12. Where did you go on your honeymoon? Pagosa Springs, CO
13. How long were you gone? A week
14. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change? Mmm, probably have more time at the ceremony.
15. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Left side
16. What size is your bed? King
17. Greatest strength as a couple? We laugh a lot and work well as a team
18. Greatest challenge as a couple? Neither of us like to make a decision, b/c we want the other person to get what they want more than ourself.
19. Who literally pays the bills? Mostly me, but we both do ( physically paying them) we both “pay” them.
20. What is your song? I guess you could say I have and always will by dave barnes
21. What did you dance your first dance to? We didn’t
22. Describe your wedding dress: cream, not white white. Embroidery and beading on the top and train. Two layers on the skirt and train.
23. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding? Spring flowers but mainly tulips
24. Are your wedding bands engraved? Yes, with SHMILY and 4/28/07