I think our TV has been on HGTV since last Wednesday, with the occasional show on TLC. I’m sure Jonathan is ready for me to go back to work so I will quit coming up with things we need to do to the house. Currently I would like to:
~put cabinets in the laundry room –we have none in there currently
~paint the living room–it’s still white chocolate, it needs a color
~put a deck in the backyard– a small one, nothing lavish
~paint the office and guest room
~pull up the carpet and put hardwoods in (or a form of hardwoods)
~get an actual dining room table

I think that’s it for now! And I don’t expect to do all of these, or atleast not any time soon. But I do expect to paint the living room within the next month or two (whenever I can get on a ladder again). I’ve looked at applying to be on one of the 100 design shows on HGTV but they are all in like LA or NY…what about TEXAS! We need some design guidance too! what you want to pretty up all the other states but leave Texas in the dust? Geeze. Owell, we’ll just have to do it by ourselves!


I was going to post this Tuesday before I headed to work but I was running late so it never happened. Here’s the funny thing–look at the picture below and then remember I was in the ER all day on Tuesday.
The post was going to be about simplicity and how sometimes you take things for granted. As of Monday when I took this picture I had been feeling the best I’ve felt in over a year. My heart medications were finally at the right dosage and doing their job, my sinus surgery fixed my sinus infections and was all healed and I hadn’t had a headache in about 3 weeks–YEAH! I felt great, I was done with school and the hubs and I were enjoying life. On my way home from work on Monday I saw all the sunflowers had popped up basically overnight so Jonathan and I along with Presley took a stroll behind our house so I could take some pictures of the sunflowers. I got this picture and it just makes me think of summer and the simplicity of it, or how it used to be when we were kids. We would be off school for a couple of months and just have fun, times were simple. I miss those days! Not that life is complicated now by any means but it’s just not as simple as it used to be. Then Tuesday happened when things got a little less simple. But this will go away just as everything else does and we can get back to life. So if I ever want to remember those times of no work, bills or struggles I can just pull this picture out and look at it.

She’s Married!!!

My best friend Jen got married this past weekend. Her and Jed were married at Highland Park Presbyterian Church this past Saturday. It was a fun, busy weekend. Jonathan and I took some pictures at the wedding and reception and they are posted on my flickr page if you’re interested in looking at those.
It all started Friday afternoon for the bridesmaids luncheon at Dallas Country Club and then that following evening was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner at Royal Oaks Country Club.

Saturday evening was the wedding and reception at the Petroleum Club in Dallas (The building with the hole in the center in downtown Dallas).

I even got my dad to take a picture and his eyes were open–not typical!

We had a great time and great food! I know Jen and Jed had a great wedding day and are off celebrating in Mexico right now! I wish I were there. We got home around midnight Saturday night and then woke up Sunday to go to church because we had nursery duty. Sunday we pretty much rested and got ready for the week ahead.
I wish Jen and Jed the best and Jonathan and I are so happy for them and I know they are extremely excited to finally be spending their lives together as husband and wife.

weekend wrap up

This weekend wasn’t as busy as the last 3 or 4 weekends. We didn’t really have anything scheduled so we could do pretty much anything we wanted–YEAH! I needed this before next weekend hits–it’s gonna be busy. So here is what our fun weekend was full of.

* took some stuff to a friends house for a garage sale and stayed and chatted with them for a while.
* made some “chicken littles” for dinner…imagine chick fil a nuggets but better -MMmmmmm.
* went to bed early because I was Exhausted!!

* slept in some but got up earlier than normal on a saturday and made waffles for us to eat.
* went and got my hair chopped off

* Jonathan and I went to the Waxahachie balloon fest with Richard, Amber and Gracelyn and Phil.

* went to church
* came home and made some lunch
* went shopping at Costco (piece of advice–go with a friend and split the cost of food–if we got 300 slices of cheese, 200 slices would go bad before we got to them! So split the cost and amount of cheese but don’t cut the cheese–HAHAHAHA just kidding)
* took a 30 minute nap
* uploaded pics to flickr
* baked a cake
* watered the lawn
* went to bed early

Early Birds?

Okay, whoever said “The earlier bird gets the worm” ought to be shot! Getting up early is way over rated. I started riding DART this week to save some money on gas. When I started putting $60 a week in my fuel efficient car I said somethings gotta change and it’s not going to be the gas prices. My commute to work is 50 miles a day, which isn’t horrible compared to some but when you add driving to and from Dallas 4 or 5 times every weekend it starts to add up. So I decided to ride DART. I get a HUGE discount through my work on an annual Dart pass. I only pay $36 a year for my annual pass, compared to Jonathan’s pass that we pay double that each month. Well, in order to get to work on time, I have to get up at 4:30 in the morning–4:30 . That’s EARLY…granted I only got up 30-40 minutes later when I drove, but still. So I catch the bus at the Glenn Heights station at 5:45 and ride to Union Station in downtown Dallas and then ride the TRE rail to market center and walk a mile to our clinic. Not too bad, and I get some more exercise–especially when I have to run to catch the train because the bus is late (that’s another story). I don’t mind riding the bus/train and I don’t mind getting up early for it, but I do not like being tired because of it. I’m sleepy! All to save money–geeze.

The reason behind all that is this -> Jonathan and I have decided to do the Dave Ramsey pay off your debt, live debt free thing. My suggestion was to sell Jonathan’s truck and live with one car until we get it all paid off…I dont’ think he went liked that idea. So that’s why I decided to stop driving and the money we save on gas may offset the car payment on his truck and in return give us more money to pay off debt. So if we tell you no when you ask us to go out to eat with you, it’s not because we don’t like you or want to…we are just trying to save some money to live debt free. It’s not like we have this huge amount of debt but more than we want to live with or are at peace with. So if becoming debt free means riding the dart bus, running in downtown dallas at 6:00am with 10 pound clogs on to catch the train and standing on the bus the whole way home because there are no more seats, I’ll do it for a while.

Last night Jonathan and I went to the Ranger’s game with some friends, Bryce and Lisa. They had 2 extra tickets and invited us! We had a lot of fun, I hadn’t been to a Ranger’s game in a while and I always enjoy some baseball. And fortunately for us, the Ranger’s won like 9 to 4. It was a great way to end a VERY busy day at work. Granted we got home pretty late and had to wake up early for wok today, but we can sleep in tomorrow morning–Yeah for Saturdays! We’ve had a pretty good week, Tuesday we had our small group over at our house, Wednesday we got to hang out with our friends Smiley and Shari (along with little Aidan) for a little while, the baseball game last night and then hopefully a movie tonight. We will probably not be seeing the movie I REALLY want to see but that’s ok, I don’t expect him to sit through a movie about girl stuff, clothes, shoes and something about a city. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

weekend update

Sorry, but this weekend update isn’t going to be as funny as the weekend update on Saturday Night Live..oh how I love that one! Anyway, it was a good weekend, another busy one though- for the most part. Friday we ate dinner at the best restaurant in town–chick fil a and then headed over to Lowes to get some fertilizer for our lawn. When we got home we spread the fertilizer on the grass and then watered. Saturday was pretty much a lazy day until about 3:30 and then we headed to Rockwall. Jonathan had a CWF show so I had him drop me off at my parents so my mom and I could go shopping a little bit. We were in Rockwall so she dropped me off towards the end of the show and then Jonathan and I picked up the presinator at my parents afterwards and headed home. Sunday was our turn in the nursery at church so we played with a couple of kids for a few hours and then headed home to eat some lunch. After lunch we cleaned up the kitchen a little and then did some much needed mowing and edging of the front and back yard. After that we decided we to go get ceiling fan for our office because it gets sooo hot in there. So off to Lowes we go to pick out a fan. When we got back Jonathan installed the fan while I gave Presley a bath and flea treatment — She has never had fleas and I’m trying to keep it that way. After all that we made some brinner..breakfast for dinner. Mmmm, eggs sausage and bacon. And that was our weekend – it was anything but restful but a good one either way.

Some things never change!

I was looking through some pictures on Jonathan’s flickr page and ran across our pictures from the arboretum when we went back in 06 (a month and a half after we started dating). It’s funny to see that some things never change. Here is a picture of us from 2006:

and here is another picture from this past weekend when we went to the Arboretum:

It’s amazing we ever get any pictures where he is actually smiling instead of this goofy look on his face. But to be fair here is a good one where he is smiling–I like these the best!

one year

Jonathan has a great anniverary weekend recap on his blog so make sure you check it out and see how we spent the weekend. I can’t believe we’ve been married for a whole year. Everyone keeps saying “I can’t believe it’s been a year–it hasn’t been a year!” Trust me, it’s been a year. I guess it just seems like that to us because we actually lived it. The time has gone by pretty fast and in that aspect it doesn’t seem like it’s been a year, but on the other side, if you think about all we’ve done in the last year it all comes into perspective. The last year we moved to our first home in Waxahachie, bought our first home in Red Oak, each bought “new” cars, Jonathan has a new job, I started going to a new church (I’m talking about encounter, I didn’t start going to a seperate church from jonathan)–all that while adjusting to a new roommate and partner in life – or crime (however you want to perceive). We’ve had a blast the last year and I have enjoyed every minute of it….although I could life without the occasional sleepless nights from someone snoring..ahem! I started making a list in my head the other day of things that I’ve learned from the last year or maybe things I’ve known but never wanted to admit. I have since then forgot most of them but here are a few that I can think of:
1. I’m not a morning person
2. I’m not a night person – about 10:00 and I’m out
3. I’m pretty much a 10:00-5:00 person, so if you catch me during those hours it’ll be great.
4. I’m much more of a hermit than Jonathan…he has to do things and go places all the time with people, I DON’T.
5. Never let your husband do the laundry or you’ll end up with a pink shirt or a pair of jeans you can’t wear anymore and have never worn before.
6. Husbands like to blame things on the tools they use, instead of the operator of the said tool. i.e – cooking pancakes “the pan was messed up” hmmm.
7. I’m thankful that the hubs takes our the garbage every tuesday and friday but then I get home and go to put a handful of trash in the trashcan and there’s no bag.
8. I have a husband that cooks and for that I’m thankful! (Thank you for my breakfast burrito this morning–delish)
9. Jonathan adopted a dog when he married me, I’m sure if it were up to him, she would no longer be around.
10. When you talk to your husband, you have to say exactly what you want, or you’ll get the opposite. So instead of saying “I’d prefer if you didn’t do that” you should say “Do not under any circumstances say or do that!”
11. I’m very independant and need to learn to let go. Sometimes you have to sit back and let the other person do things…you can’t do them all.
12. Men don’t think things through all the way–sometimes they’ll wash/rinse the sprayer from staining the fence in the kitchen sink…and stain will get everywhere! That’s when you kindly say…”do you think you can do that outside in the grass?”

Those are just some of the things I’ve learned over the last year and I’m sure Jonathan could have a completely different list of things and I would love to hear that. But I’ve also learned what it’s like to have a great husband who loves you and cares about you no matter what and even though there are times when you want to ring their neck, those times will never outweigh the good times. Here’s to another great year!