Just A Thought

I’m not one that typically journals, I will maybe once or twice a year. A little while after Jonathan and I started dating I wrote a little in my journal and this is just a little blurb of something I wrote. It’s basically about love and relationships in general.

“I think falling in love isn’t some grand experience. Maybe it’s as simple as being breathless in someone’s prescence. Once you get passed the whole ‘dating’ time and you get to the true heart of the person, that’s when there’s nothing left but to stand back and let yourself be completely blown away. I think you fall in love with the llittle things. Forget the big, well-planned evenings, granted they are great but it’s eating at McDonald’s with ketchup on your face, while looking across the table and just thinking to yourself that you’ve never had a more romantic dinner. And, no matter how much you know it will hurt if you ever lose this person in your life, you still take the risk because experiencing this feeling is completely worth it. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with people these days, we’re too chicken to take risks, too proud to be vulnerable to someone else, too analytical to just be breathless…”

The engagement

Jonathan was sure lucky that I wasn’t fully on my game Saturday! For the past two weeks until Saturday morning, there had been so much planning and secrets behind my back it blows my mind. If it weren’t for pain pills, I would have picked up on every little thing that was going on. My best friend wouldn’t even talk to me that much because she thought she would spill the beans. I can honestly say that I was totally suprised, even up to the second me proposed. Here is how it went down: On our first date we went to Cafe Brazil for coffee, so Saturday morning we went there for breakfast and then we were going to go to the White Rock Lake to watch the sailboats or just people watch. So we pulled up and went over to this bench at Winfrey’s Point which overlooks the lake and you can see the Dallas skyline. On the bench were red roses and a card with a letter in it. Even up to this point I thought “well maybe he’s just giving me flowers so say ‘I’m glad you are feeling better’ or just because.” We sat down and I read the letter and then he got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. I was completely shocked! During this whole time my best friend, Jennifer (soon the be maid of honor) and his best friend, Matt (soon to be best man) and another friend of mine, Aaron were all hiding behind a house that was by us taking pictures and recording the whole thing. They said that right before we got there, a big group of people (which they think was a wedding rehersal) was there with a big tent and people were sitting on the bench that we were supposed to go to. So Matt went up to them and asked, “Are ya’ll almost done?” “Here’s the deal, my friend is about to propose in this spot in about 2 minutes so ya’ll have to leave.” They asked if they could stay and cheer for us. That part made the whole story hilarious! Overall, it was a GREAT day and I couldn’t have imagined it differently.

I’m The Lucky One!

I can honestly say that I am a lucky girl. I have totally consumed Jonathan’s time for the past week. He was at the hospital with me for three days and didn’t take his eyes off me and did anything he could for me. Even when I got home and haven’t felt great, he has been there everyday to take care of me. He had plenty of chances to just turn and walk away, I proved just how high maintanence I could be 🙂 But instead he proposes! I couldn’t be any happier or ask for anything more.


I’ve been home from the hospital a little over 24 hours and I think i’m in more pain now than I was in the hospital yesterday. The Dr. said it will take about 6 weeks to fully recover. I am so thankful for the prayers and support that I have received over the last couple of days. My family and friends have been amazing and then there’s the “special someone” that didn’t leave my side for 3 days. I can truly say that I am blessed! I love you all!