Family photos

Back in December we had our annual family photos done and we finally sat down and ordered prints a few weeks ago. We got an awesome canvas print for over our fireplace and then these beauties that I just hung today. Along with some other prints I’ll hang different places throughout the house. I love the way it turned out!

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Goodbye Paci

Last night we had a goodbye paci celebration. The boys are 3 1/2 and It was time to get rid of the paci. They had only had them when they slept for probably the last year and a half but we decided that it was time to say goodbye for good. So we tied the pacifier to some balloons and each boy got to let go of their paci as it went up into the sky. I wanted something tangible so they could really know they were gone for good. In return they each got a new toy! I’ll have a post about it soon…

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Adventure Day

Jonathan was on spring break this week from work (lucky, huh?), so we decided to take the boys on an adventure day sans baby sister. We took them to the Sci-Tech museum in Frisco, then a trip to chick Fila for lunch with some friends and finally a trip to Ikea. After that they crashed in the car on the way home. We want them well rested when we get home because operation goodbye paci is happening tonight! Wish us luck…

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7 months

Woah, this is way past due.  In a few weeks, she’ll be 8 months!  I say this every month, but I can’t believe she is 7 months old already…

7 Months

7 Months

Harper is an absolute joy to be around.  She is such a sweet and happy baby.  Now that her reflux is doing well and her tummy is all settled, she really only fusses when she is hungry or sleepy.

She has gotten on a semi predictable routine as of the last few weeks.  She will go to sleep around 600-700 and then we’ll wake her up to eat around 900-1000pm.  She’ll sleep until 400am or 500am to eat and then go back to sleep until 700 or 800. Although lately she has stretched her sleeping to about 600am.  Then she’ll take about 3 naps during the day (anywhere between 30 mins to 1.5 hours each).  She is still a tummy sleeper…you lay her on her back and within 5 seconds she is rolling over onto her stomach.

DSC_0698Harps is eating about 7 ounces four times a day, sometimes 5.  We have tried baby food, oatmeal and rice cereal and she wants nothing to do with any of it! This girl would rather drink her food…

DSC_0692This girl is a busy body.  She is constantly moving and wants to crawl more than anything.  When we hold her, she just kicks her legs like crazy.  Harper loves her toys and will just sit there and play with them on her play mat for an hour at a time.  Of course she has her two brothers to sit and watch also…those 2 could have their own variety show!

always doing something with her hands

always doing something with her hands

Harper loves her brothers.  If anyone can put a smile on her face, it will be those two boys! They love to come in her room and talk to her in the morning when she wakes up.  They come in her room saying “happpy”, which is what Hayden started calling her a while back, and she just gets a huge grin on her face.

harpsHarper has such a funny personality already.  She is so curious and loves to find out how things work.  She is such an observant little girl, just like Hayden was/is.  She loves to look over her crib bumper when she’s laying in her crib on her stomach and it is the funniest thing.  One day I thought she had fallen asleep because she was quiet for about 5 minutes and when I looked up (I was laying down right beside her crib) she was peeking over her crib at me like “I see you”.  I just started laughing out loud and then she started laughing…needless to say, she did not go to sleep any time soon.



She graduated from her Doc Band a few weeks ago and now has a lovely round head that I can kiss any time without the obstacle of a band.

Doc Band graduation

Doc Band graduation

Harper is just a crazy girl and I love it! She is a sweet, sweet girl and she continues to amaze me every day.
