My Life @ Work

I was just told yesterday that I have to do a short lecture on Friday
morning at work over complicated exercise testing. All four of us have
a different aspect of testing that we are covering. I get the pleasure
of covering CO2 production and minute ventilation.
Some people have wondered what I do now in my new position at
Children’s so you can have some kind of clue as to what I do in the
pulmonary physiology lab (a recent name change of the lab) here is part
of what I will be talking about on Friday:

CO2 output (VCO2) during exercise is determined by factors similar to
those that govern O2 uptake: cardiac output, CO2-carrying capacity of
the blood, and tissue exchange are major determinants. However, because
CO2 is much more soluble in tissues and blood, CO2 output measured at
the mouth is more strongly dependant on ventilation that on VO2 (oxygen
consumption). In addition to this, because dissolved CO2 is a weak acid,
the body uses CO2 regulation to compensate for acute metabolic acidosis,
which affects the pattern of VCO2 as work intensity increases above the
point of anaerobic metabolism…….During progressive exercise VO2
increases nearly as much as does VO2 over the lower work rate range,
with an average VCO2-VO2 relationship of slightly less than 1.0. It
should be recognized that the slope of the VCO2-versus VO2 relationship
is not equal to the respiratory exchange ratio, as the relationship
usually has a small positive intercept on the VO2 axis…..VE has been
demonstrated to be closely proportionally coupled to VCO2 during
exercise, it is useful to analyze Ve in relation to VCO2……

So what are your thoughts on this?


Many people I talk to say that I am a closed book, or atleast
not an open book. I will agree with this, but mainly because I’m not just
going to spill my life to someone. If anyone wants to know anything
about me they can ask, I don’t mind answering anything at all! All this
to say it’s just not me to open up to people a lot. Recently I’ve had a
lot of people tell me that they know me but they don’t KNOW me. Well, I
don’t know how to help you but this might be a good start:

I’m a city girl and love living in the big city, but I’m a country girl at heart! (I’m a big Texan) I love country music but secretely like some
Rap music (sshhh, it’s our secret), I love Ice Cream and brownies, I
like the smell of rain but love the smell of snow. I like the smell of
exhaust from cars in the winter because it reminds me of the cold and
snow. One of my favorite songs is The Way You Look Tonight. I believe in forgiveness. I would live in the mountains with snow if I could, but at the same time I would live in NYC. I like to walk anywhere I go but people
look at you funny so I end up driving. I love animals and will always
miss my beloved Rat Terrier Annie, but I love my new doggy Presley too.
I like Elvis Presley, don’t ask why because I can’t tell you. I love Dr.
Pepper but can’t drink it, potato casserole is my favorite food, I like
cherry cordials and maraschino cherries. My favorite color is
orange (burnt not neon), I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, I wish I had
a voice to sing or the talent to play the piano, I love to sing in my
car (you’ll never hear me sing out loud)… I bust out in song like the
best of them. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. I love the feel of sand on my bare feet. My niece and nephew are my two most favorite kids in the
whole world. I want to adopt a kid from Russia, I want four kids (i
might change my mind after the 1st one). My fingernails are always blue–don’t let that freak you out. I am engaged. I’m marrying a 6 foot 5 inch guy, yes that’s 13 inches taller than me! I love to be the photographer. I
like chick flicks but also action movies, I don’t like scary movies, I
think they are stupid. I like to watch Disney channel, there’s just
something about nice clean family shows. But I also LOVE Grey’s Anatomy and ER. Friends is my most favorite show ever. I like to go shopping
but don’t over spend (most of the time), I like root beer floats, I hate
working out. I like riding my bike and roller blading. I love to
snowboard, even after breaking my tailbone doing so. I don’t know how
to snow ski, I can’t get up on the wake board when I go out on the lake.
I love to drive but hate paying for gas. I like to go to the dog park
and watch all the dogs. I love to people watch and listen to their
conversations. I will just sit there and add my own monologue to
peoples hand gestures when I can’t hear what they are saying. I will do
the same thing to dogs in a backyard or at the dog park (I’ve told you
I’m crazy). I love Christ and live for Him everyday. My favorite trip
I’ve ever gone on is a missions trip to Mexico the summer before my
senior year of high school (long live the 3 amigas!) I will forever
remember my high school group at church. I don’t like it when people
look at me or blow in my face or basically in my general direction. But
I have to have a fan blowing on my face at night–go figure. I love to
have my back scratched. I love the sound of rain on the window. I’m scared to
death of fires and tornadoes–so scared I should probably seek counseling. I don’t like thunderstorms. I hate to
stay by myself at night. I’m not afraid of death, but I am afraid of
leaving people I love behind. My family is the best (Medlins included)
and my new soon to be family is also the best (Lehmanns included) 😉
I’m a grouch if I don’t get my sleep..a girl needs her beauty sleep. I
don’t like to bother people, if I feel bad I probably won’t say
anything–why should my problems be put on someone else. If I pass out
I’ll just get back up and get back to what I was doing…even if I’m at
work. I’m scared to death that I’m gonna pass out at my wedding-haha.
When I’m mad I like to be by myself—it’s not that often though. I
hate conflict or arguments. I’m a people pleaser and that gets you into
trouble sometimes. I have to have a night of doing nothing at all once
a week. I don’t like to be too busy you don’t have enough time for
loved ones. I love science and physics. I hate math. I work to live,
not live to work. I HATE mushrooms and am allergic to seafood. I don’t
like tomatoes but like tomato paste, I don’t like peaches but I like
peach flavor. it irritates me when people smack, if I ever do please
smack me! I have 3 brothers and 1 sister (technically 2 brothers). I miss my grandparents and wished I got to
know them better. I’m a goofball when you really get to know me. I wish
I didn’t have to take medication everyday. I like giving hugs but
probably won’t initiate one. I’m a woman of few words–if you could
only see inside my brain soo many thoughts. I laugh at myself- A LOT. I love to re-finish furniture. If I could, i would quit my job and volunteer for Habitat
For Humanity helping with the houses. I want to open a doggy daycare
someday (doubt it will ever happen). I’m not a morning person but once
I take my shower I’m usually okay. I like to dance to music but you will
never see that. I love to observe things and watch peoples behaviors.

pheww…did you get all that. There’s more where that came from but I think this is all you can handle now. I told you it was a rambling!!


So why is it that when you smell certain things it brings back a memory.
I can smell this certain smell and it brings back memories a christmas
morning like 20 or 21 years ago. I can’t describe this smell, but it is
very specific and I know when I smell it. I was driving to work this
morning and there it was, this smell, and all of a sudden I thought of
Christmas when I was like 4. Well if you are wondering why this happens,
here’s the reason. Although I’m sure it’s more scientific than most of
you would like…sorry!

Inside your nose about the level of your eyes, is a small patch of
tissue containing millions of nerve cells. The odor receptors (sensors)
lie on these nerve cells. Each of the receptors recognizes several
odors, and likewise a single odor could be recognized by several
receptors. So, similar to codes, what happens is that different
combinations of the 1,000 receptors result in our ability to identify
10,000 different odors. The process that takes place is pretty complex.
After an odor molecule enters the nose and are recognized by the
olfactory sensors, the signals are eventually sent to the olfactory bulb
that is located right above the eyes. The signals only go to two areas
in the olfactory bulb, and signals from different sensors are targeted
to different spots that then form a sensory map. From there the signals
reach the olfactory area of the cortex (smell sensory cortex). An
important quality of the olfactory system is that information travels
both to the limbic system and cortex. The limbic system is the primitive
part of the brain that include areas that control emotions, memory and
behavior. In comparison the cortex is the outer part of the brain that
has to do with conscious thought. In addition to these two areas,
information also travels to the taste sensory cortex to create the sense
of flavor. Because olfactory information goes to both the primitive and
complex part of the brain it effects our actions in more ways than we
Many people wonder how certain smells able to trigger memories of
events taking place several years ago despite the fact that sensory
neurons in the epithelium survive for about only 60 days. The answer is
that the neurons in the epithelium actually have successors. As the
olfactory neurons die, new olfactory neurons generated by the layer of
stem cells beneath them, which eventually takes the role of the old
neuron as it dies. The key point to the answer is that “memories survive
because the axons of neurons that express the same receptor always go to
the same place”. The memories are stored in the hippocampus, and through
relational memory certain smells trigger memories.

Well, I hope you didn’t fall asleep reading that…I know what you’re
thining, your a NERD. And to that I say, I’ve told you I was a science
nerd before. Live with it.

Most Depressing Day Of The Year

Today has been declared the most depressing day of the year. This year, make it your call.

The superstitious have long worried about courting bad luck on Friday the 13th and stayed “beware the Ides of March.” But for the past couple of years there has been another day to mark in black on the calendar: The most depressing day of the year.

In 2005, a psychologist named Cliff Arnall (who was, at the time, a part-time lecturer at the University of Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning in Wales), declared that he had devised a formula to calculate the worst day. That year, it was Monday, Jan. 24; last year, Monday, Jan. 23. So watch out, because today may well be 2007Â’s most miserable day.

ArnallÂ’s so-called formula looks like this: [W + (D-d)] x TQM x NA.

All of the letters and symbols apparently represent a sort of mathematical code to track the following:
W: How bad the weather is at this time of year.
D: Amount of debt accumulated over the holidays minus how much is paid off.
T: The time since the holidays.
Q: Amount of time passed since New YearÂ’s resolutions have gone south.
M: Our general motivation levels.
NA: The need to take action.

Some of the factors that affect our mood are:

The weather*and in particular, the lack of daylight*is an issue in January and February, especially in the northern latitudes. And thatÂ’s the primary cause of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Another universal dilemma around this time of year is debt.. “Buyer’s remorse is a core part of the post-holiday blues,” acknowledges Ellen McGrath, Ph.D., president and founder of Bridge Coaching Institute in New York City. “Love is defined as buying a great gift, but when the bills come due in January it can lead to depression.”

Late January is also time to confront reality, say psychologists. Difficult decisions about jobs, family and relationships are often put off until after the holidays. So while we may wake up feeling very positive on Jan. 1, life may look a lot less shiny a few weeks later.

While Arnall’s equation has received its fair share of criticism, most experts agree that if this “day of doom” prediction helps raise awareness about the serious issues of depression and seasonal affective disorder, then, overall that’s a good thing and not harmful. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that almost 18.8 million American adults suffer from depression and nearly six percent of the population is affected by SAD.

Still, plenty of people take offense at such a specific “most depressing day” pronouncement. “It essentially vacates any concept of free will or self-determinism, putting the focus on external events rather than what’s within us,” says Susan C. Vaughn, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry at Columbia University.

So the moral of the story is even if you have maxed out your credit cards, failed at your New YearÂ’s resolutions, and the weather is lousy, not everyone will succumb to depression*especially not all of us on the same day. In fact, some psychologists and life coaches argue that January can be a time of focus and motivation. The frenzy of the holidays is past, and there is time to concentrate on accomplishing new goals.

Sick Days

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has called in sick when you were in
fact, not sick! If you haven’t, you need to try it sometime…just for a
simple day of relaxation. Not that I do it often, maybe once or twice a
year (usually on my birthday). Anyway, here is a list of excuses that
employers have heard from employees calling in sick.

1. Employee was poisoned by his mother-in-law.
2. A buffalo escaped from the game reserve and kept charging the
employee every time she tried to go to her car from her house.
3. Employee was feeling all the symptoms of his expecting wife.
4. Employee called from his cell phone, saying that he was accidentally
locked in a restroom stall and that no one was around to let him out.
5. Employee broke his leg snowboarding off his roof while drunk.
6. Employee’s wife said he couldn’t come into work because he had a lot
of chores to do around the house.
7. One of the walls in the employee’s home fell off the night before.
8. Employee’s mother was in jail.
9. A skunk got into the employee’s house and sprayed all of his
10. Employee had a bad case of hiccups.
11. Employee blew his nose so hard, his back went out.
12. Employee’s horses got loose and were running down the highway.
13. Employee was hit by a bus while walking.
14. Employee’s dog swallowed her bus pass.
15. Employee was sad.


Man is it cold outside! This is a picture from my drive in from work this morning. I awoke to the sound of sleet pelting my window and thought “Oh no-it’s gonna take me forever to get to work!” So I hurried to get ready and left for work. I knew it was bad when I backed out of my driveway and couldn’t drive up the alley because my tires kept spinning. This one just kind of snuck up on all of us. The forcasters made such a big deal the last few days that everyone was tired of listening to it and I’m assuming they just stopped listening. TX DOT spent the last 3 days sanding bridges, overpasses, and streets and then when it actually hit, they didn’t sand anything!! That’s Texas for ya! Hope everyone stayed safe and stays warm!


Okay, first off let me say that yes, I am a girl but I also know a
little something about cars. Mainly through experience, but isn’t that
the best way to learn something!! For example, I have learned that it’s
ALWAYS good to keep water in your engine, or you’ll have to replace it.
Also, keep your oil changed every 3,000 miles and air filter changed
frequently. Don’t wait until you are on empty to fill up your gas
tank…you might get stranded somewhere. Last, learn how to change your
own tires, daddy isn’t always going to be around. All this to say that I
know enough not to pour steaming hot water on my iced over windshield!!
I saw a lady do that this morning and felt like yelling out the
window…”do you want to replace your windshield-cause if you keep doing
that you will” Also, I know that you should never put make-up on in the
car when you are on a bridge that is completely iced over. People are


So once again, The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly neologism contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for common words.
The winners are:

1. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs.
2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.
3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.
5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.
6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightgown.
7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.
8. Gargoyle (n.), olive-flavored mouthwash.
9. Flatulence (n.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.
10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.
11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.
12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.
13. Pokemon (n), a Rastafarian proctologist.
14. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.
15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), (back by popular demand): The belief that, when you die, your Soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.
16. Circumvent (n.), an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.


Okay, so we don’t have a florist, decorations, invitation, or tux’s but we did just book our Honeymoon! It’s called priorities people! Well, we do kind of have all of those, just not officially. I mean come on, we have 4 MONTHS to plan…but according to my mom and everyone else that’s not enough time. Anyway, we are going to spend 6 days, 5 nights in Pagosa Springs, CO right outside of Durango. I think this has been the most expensive day in my entire life!!! Let’s count…$500 medical bill, $??? new medical bill from this morning, $too much on plane tickets, and $even more on hotel…yep that sounds about right, the most expensive day of my life… the way did we mention we are now excepting donations!


I was in traffic the other day on my way to Waxahachie and I was only going about 5 mph at the most. Needless to say I got a little bored so I had to entertain myself. This is a little glimpse into how I went about doing that. Enjoy!