more on LWAB

This doesn’t really fall into the category of living with a boy but I would have to agree with Jonathan on his post about dogs. Living with my dog Presley isn’t easy. She is cooped up in a kennel all day and you have to put her on a leash and walk her outside to get her to take care of business. She jumps up on the bed and couch all the time hoping just maybe we’ll let her stay there a while. Even though she is a little crazy and neurotic at times, she’s still a good dog…she just needs a big backyard-or a backyard in general!
So living with a boy-like I said in the last post, I grew up with two brothers so living with a boy isn’t that different for me. I have forgotten some stuff since liing with them though. Why do guys feel the need to put everything in the dishwasher, I mean everything. And not only do they put it all in the dishwasher, they hardly rinse it off…thinking “the dishwasher will get all the junk off”….well, yes but only if you run it right then. If you put a plate with food stuck on it in the dishwasher on Monday, chances are that by wednesday when you finally run the dishwasher it won’t come off. Big pots and pans do not need to go into the dishwasher, you can hand wash them…a long with other things. I put few things in the washer and wash all the rest…ya it’s a little more work, but I don’t like going to get something you need to cook with and it’s sitting in the washer waiting to be washed. Just a little soap box of mine.
Another thing, growing up, I was always taught that whites are all washed together and darks are washed together, not whites and darks in one load. I’m sure Jonathan was raised this way too, but somewhere between living at home and now he has forgotten this…he looked at me like I was crazy because I only washed my whites in a load and not colors with it. “That’s how you keep your whites white–it’s called bleach.” I said. It’s just funny to see things and note the differences in how we do them. Granted there aren’t too many.

Today’s Funny

I got this in an email a while back and I have to say, it’s pretty true. A couple of months ago I probably would have said “none of that is true, that’s not how women act or what they mean when they say that.” Well, it’s true, some of it anyway, not all of it. I mean, sometimes a loud sigh is just that, a sigh, no meaning behind it.

9 phrases women use:

1.) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are
right and you need to shut up.

2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour.
Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more
minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something,and
you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end
in fine.

4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!

5.) Loud Sigh: This is not actually a word, but is a nonverbal statement
often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot
and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you
about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)

6.) That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can
make to a man. That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before
deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say
you’re welcome.

8.) Whatever: Is a women’s way of saying *&@# YOU!

9.) Don’t worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning
this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is
now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking “What’s
wrong?” For the woman’s response refer to #3.


Yesterday at church (Encounter), Brian started a new series called “release” about letting go of pain, anger, bitterness, etc and giving it up to God. He is using the new Spiderman 3 movie as an illustration…it shows how bitterness or anger can overtake you and consume your thoughts and actions. It was a very good message and can’t wait for future weeks messages. After the message, Brian invited us up to get a “pain card” and drop it on the table up front that had a crown of thorns on it….showing our release of the pain and us giving it up to Christ. I was thinking, I don’t have any bitterness, anger or pain towards anyone…I guess that’s a good thing, no one has hurt me. But as I continued to think about it, I thought, it’s not that no one has hurt me before, it’s that I have never let anyone hurt me before. I never let people get close enough to hurt me or cause me pain. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want it, but if I don’t ever let people get close enough to me, is that just as bad? Which one is worse — letting people in and actually getting to know you with the possibility of getting hurt or not letting people in and never getting hurt? What do you think?

Living with a boy

Well, Jonathan has started a new category called “living with a girl”. A friend of his stared one when she got married and we both liked the idea so we also started one. I grew up with 2 brothers so it’s not a big shock living with a boy…but it is different living with a boy that’s not your brother. The main thing I’ve learned over the last 8 days is….

*Boys can be clean but they still have a lot of clutter that goes everywhere. I like things clean and straightened…it doesn’t have to be perfect just not cluttered. As I sit here typing I’m looking at our table filled with junk….i can’t see the top of the table!

More to come later

I’m home and MARRIED!

The countdown is complete, no more waiting to get married. Last Saturday at 2:00 I became Mrs. Laurie Blundell. Or as our resort had us down as, The Brundull’s. Go figure–it’s not that hard to spell, we even spelled it out for them over the phone.

Anyway, the wedding was great and I got to see people that I hadn’t seen in a while and loved it. I wish I could have spent more time talkikng to people but you know how it goes. I think the highlight of the ceremony was at the very beginning…We were standing there in front of the pastor and my 6 yr old nephew sneezed. This wasn’t just a sneeze, he had snot dripping out of his nose and looked at me with this look like “what do I do with it?” It was SOOOO funny, I couldn’t help but laugh. He just wiped it on the brand new carpet in the sanctuary. What else can you do. Funny times. We don’t have our wedding pictures yet but we have found a few snapshots of the day.

Tami and me

For our honeymoon we went to Pagosa Springs, Colorado right outside of Durango. We had a great time geocaching in the mountains and taking a train ride and just soaking in the hot tubs and relaxing. You can check out mine and Jonathan’s flickr pages for more pics.


Jonathan has a great post on everything on his blog so check it out.

3 days!

This past weekend Jonathan and I each had our bachelor and bachelorette parties. We both had a really good time. I went to Bucca De Beppo in Dallas for dinner and then back to Jens house. It was a blast and I can’t believe it’s only 3 days until we get married.

My Birthday


Well, yesterday was the first anniversary of my 25th birthday. I haven’t had to work ON my B-day for about 10 years….I typically take off for the day. But because of different circumstances, I wasn’t able to this year. Other than work, it was pretty good. Sunday after church Jonathan and I went and ate lunch with our parents and my brother and nephew, Jake at Saltgrass..YUMMY. Then we went back to mi padres casa and had some scrumptious lemon maraigne (not sure how to spell that) pie and brownies….not together! Then yesterday after work, Jonathan came over and cooked us a great dinner…he made chicken stir fry and angel food cake with an orange sauce for dessert…it was delicious…one of my favorite recipes to date. After dinner we went for a walk with Presley at the hike and bike trail and attempted our first geocaching adventure. It didn’t go as planned but that partially wasn’t our fault! The two cache’s were in the middle of poison ivey and we were in shorts. I was not about to get Poison Ivey 2 weeks before my wedding and I told him he’d better not get it! I’ve heard how allergic he is to it. Overall, it was a great birthday and I look forward to many more just like this one!


Even though this past weekend did not suggest we are now in spring, we are! Living in Ellis County there is an abundance of bluebonnetts so I took the chance and got some pictures…I posted all of them on my flickr page but here is one of my favorites:

Blue Bonnet