We made it

So Jonathan and I have decided to start riding our bikes to get some exercise. I used to be pretty athletic but not so much in recent years. Anyway, We aired up our bike tires and hit the road. We decided to just ride through the neighborhood but ended up riding to the hospital to see a friend who was there. In all, it was aobut a 5 mile bike ride. I did a lot better than I thought I would, I haven’t been able to do much exercise lately because of my heart issues but I guess we found a medication that works well enough so I can exercise. After we got back from our bike ride we jumped in the pool to cool off. I’ve mentioned how much I love sno cones and how often I visit the sno cone stand….well I told Jonathan that from now on whenever I want a sno cone I have to ride my bike there….good incentive, right!


Well I went yesterday and cut my hair, not just one hair, but all of my hairs…it’s not too short, but it is definiteley shorter than it was…kind of layered with long bang type things in front (like the discription). Anyway I was ready for a change so I went and chopped it.


As many of you may know…I’m a avid Grey’s Anatomy fan…well, I just heard that Isaiah Washington, “Dr. Burke” was fired and will not return to the show next season. Most of us saw it coming after numerous events had happened over the last 6 months or so. After the season finale there were a couple of characters that could have been taken off the show and I guess that was one of them. So there you have it, your grey’s anatomy news for the day!

It’s All About Principle!!

Okay my peeps….Here’s the deal. So I was on my way to work this morning and traffic was HORROBLE, I found out that 35 was shut down to 1 lane. That wasn’t bad, it was the guy behind me blasting his base annoying me to death. So that made me a little irritated already, then I got to work and that’s when my ranting started. A while back they took out the first row of parking spots on our level of the parking garage and made them Doctor’s parking…I guess it’s okay, why can’t they walk like the rest of us? So I pulled up today and they took out another row, that’s like 3 times as many spots as the first row they blocked out. That made me mad, not because I’m gonna have to walk farther, God gave me two good legs, I can walk. It’s the principle of the thing. I guess everyone around here thinks doctors are gods because they get the ultimate treatment in this place, why I don’t know….most of them have god complexes anyway and are rude to anyone that crosses their path. So my rant is for the principle of the fact, why do dr.’s feel the need to receive special treatment and up front parking where they don’t have to walk. I could go on and on about this but I won’t, I must work…I just had to take a quick break from my long walk in this morning 😉

Puppy Eyes

We’ve been trying to keep Presley off the bed because, well, she doesn’t need to be on there…we find little white/brown hairs all over the bed when she does get on there and she would more than likely keep us awake all night. Anyway, I stayed home from work yesterday because I woke up with a bad migraine…I got back in bed after Jonathan left for work and here comes Presley up on the bed…I could just see her wheels turning in her head and thinking…”daddy’s gone, can I get on the bed now?” It was funny, I threw her off a couple of times but then just got tired of messing with her so I let her stay on the bed…she slept on the foot of the bed for about 4 hours and didn’t move at all. I think she was probably thinking to herself…”If I stay as still as I can, I’ll be able to stay on the bed.” Well, she was right because the second she started moving and jumping, in the crate she goes. She did get a little ADHD when we went downstairs though, she was ready to play, I was not!


So we were watching the news the other night and there was a story on about a soldier killed in Iraq from Ennis. They were reporting from the cemetary in Ennis…all of a sudden we looked up and there was my grandad’s grave marker on the channel 4 news. Big as can be “Mosshart” I thought that was kind of odd but neat. As I had mentioned in a previous post, My grandad was a military man too so it was kind of cool to see that they used his grave marker.


okay on my previous post “sleepy” let me clarify something. I didn’t stay awake the majority of the night because Jonathan was snoring…that woke me up one time. I simply just couldn’t sleep. He doesn’t keep me up the whole night, every night. Last night I didn’t even hear him at all.

Lucky Me

I have to admit, I am very lucky to have a husband that cooks and helps clean. I get home from work and most days I’m thinking, I really don’t want to cook dinner. Jonathan is good about that and we switch off doing the cooking and washing dishes. I got home yesterday, and I wasn’t in the best of moods…I had worked late, I was tired and had put up with an idiot of a doctor at work. So when I got home he was already cooking dinner and had done some of the dishes. Last Saturday I got on a cleaning sweep and poor Jonathan kind of got suckered into it….he just went downstairs and started dusting things and cleaning up. I know what you are saying, you’ve only been married a month, it’ll change and he won’t do that much longer…well maybe not (I think he will though) but for now I really appreciate him for helping me clean and cook around the house…oh and help with Presley–taking her out to the bathroom and such. He’s an awesome guy and I’m lucky to have him!


I can’t believe it, I slept all the way through last night and didn’t wake up ONCE!!!! I probably fell asleep around 11:00 and woke up at about 4:45…that’s almost 6 hours of sleep, wow!