Dinning room no more

We have been out numbered and toys have slowly been creeping in on mine and Jonathan’s territory. So we decided to give he boys their own space ( other than their room) to play. Our dinning room has officially been turned into a play space for the kids (Harper will enjoy it one day too). BUT…one day I will be taking it back with a nice new dinning room table!!

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Cell Phone Pics

Now days, as long as you have your cell phone, you have a camera…and lets face it, the cell phone is always at arms length away.  I can honestly say I have taken several hundred photos of the Harper in the first month of her life.  Here are just a few of them:


1 Month Old

1 Month

1 Month

1monthcollageWow, this month has flown by.  It definitely has been an adjustment for everyone in our house since Harper has joined the family.  The boys have done well, they have had their moments, but overall they have done pretty good.  I think mom and dad are the ones that needed to adjust to having 3 kids the most. Having two 2 year olds that love to jump, run, chase each other, etc that are held up inside all day due to heat can wear you out…especially when you are already worn out! Once I go back to work and we get on a semi normal schedule, it will help.  Right now, we are just trying to survive! We are both exhausted, stressed and sometimes at our wits end…but we love our 3 little crazies more than anything.

I guess I never realized how loud the boys were…until there was a new little human in our house that I’m trying not to get overstimulated, or wake up because she finally went to sleep.

Harper had her days and nights mixed up, and still does, although its slowly getting better. She would sleep soundly all day long, even through all the boys screaming and loudness.  Then at night after a feeding, she would be wide awake for 2 hours! Just in the last 3 days or so has she shortened it to about an hour that she will be awake after her feeding. She is also starting to be awake a little more throughout the day.

This girl has eaten well from day 1…she ate roughly 2 ounces within 2 hours of birth and is now eating 3.5 ounces every 4 hours.  That being said…she also has had a lot of issues with feeding just like the boys, starting at about 2 weeks old.  I’ll have more on this in another post, but basically she has pretty bad reflux just like the boys and we are trying to get that under control and she has had some problems with her formula.  After 3 formulas, she is on Neocate which is a specialized formula and one of 2 hypoallergenic formulas.  They come with a specialized price tag to match! She is on Prevacid for her reflux and we will see a GI doctor whenever we can get an appointment with them.

At 3.5 weeks she weighed 7 pounds and 15 ounces, a pound more than she weighed at birth, and has grown about an inch longer.

Little miss has smiled since she was 2 days old, and I have a picture to prove it! She smiles a lot and I’ve been able to capture many of them.  She usually does this little smirk instead of actually smiling, but there are a few times she’s had a full mouth open grin! Granted, she’s not really smiling and most of them are just reflexes, but still…


At this stage of a babies life, they change so much that its fun to watch and see what happens in just a month!
