4 Months Old

DSC_0270Once again I am VERY late in posting this! Little bit is 4 months old and actually doing pretty good.  Other than her reflux bothering her, she is doing great.  Remember last month when we added the rice cereal to her bottles to help with the reflux?  Well, she did great on the rice cereal.  She stopped the screaming fits, she was happy again and was sleeping better…for about 2 weeks, then it all started again.  So I called the pediatrician again and they added another drug to her Prevacid and rice cereal.  She gets it 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.  Do you know how hard it is to hold a hungry baby off from eating for 30 minutes?! Its horrible! So in order to control her reflux/tummy troubles and keep her from being in pain, this is what all she is on – Elecare formula (roughly $400 a month), Prevacid ($75 a month), Bethanachol ($35 a month) and then rice cereal in each bottle (very cheap!) and she also sleeps on 2 wedges under her mattress.  She’s an expensive diva, but worth every penny!

DSC_0212She loves looking at herself in the mirror now and loves her bath. When she is starting to get fussy or if we are trying to hold her off to eat because we just gave her the medicine, we give her a bath….then she’s as happy as a clam.

She is sleeping in her crib now and out of the Rock N Play sleeper.  She was starting to outgrow it, so it was time to make the switch.  She is also out of the miracle blanket when she sleeps and in this a blanket called the “wombie” its like a little cocoon that keeps her arms from flailing about when she sleeps, because let me tell you, this girl is crazy. She gets those arms going 90 to nothing.  She loves this thing and typically goes to sleep pretty soon after we zip it up. There have been a few times when I zip it up, put her paci in her mouth and she’s out!

Harper loves to sit up and be able see what everyone is doing.  This girl is going to be non stop! She has started rolling from side to side but hasn’t rolled over yet.  I’m sure it won’t be long though! IMG_3292

She is sleeping good at night and getting a little better for her naps during the day.  She will typically go to sleep around 630-700 and sleep until anywhere between 330-500, then go back to sleep until 730 or 800. She is sleeping better during the day but still only 30 mins or so at a time.  Every now and then she’ll take an hour nap.

She is eating 4- 5 ounces every 4 hours during the day – which is 4 to 5 bottles a day depending on when she eats in the morning.

We are getting her doc band within the next month and she’ll probably wear it 6-8 weeks and then have a beautifully rounded head.

Hayden and Ian continue to love on their sister and are always checking on her to make sure she is ok.  She is actually starting to respond to them and will smile when they talk to her.  harper4moAll these years, my mom has kept the dress that I as dedicated in and gave it to me a while back.  Before Harper outgrew it, I had to put it on her and get a picture just for sentimental reasons.  She is getting dedicated next month, hopefully, but I don’t think it will fit her then.  It would have been awesome to have her dedicated in the same dress.


Thanksgiving 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from the Blundell family. We wish you a day filled with blessings and time spent with loved ones. I am so thankful for my family – my husband who loves me and our children dearly and my 3 beautiful blessings from God. On thanksgiving day last year we were surprised to find out we would be adding another little one to our family. Now we have 3 crazy turkeys that make our lives that much richer!

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