So you know your priorities have changed when you spill half a bottle of baby formula on your iPad at 2 am and your more pissed about wasting an expensive bottle of formula than the fact that your iPad might be toast.
(It wasn’t luckily.)
Fast forward a few hours…
After a long meeting where I gave two different demos for the team (on my normal day off) and the WiFi and projector in the room decided it didn’t want to play nice today… I had about an hour or so to spare before picking the boys from school.
There was a bit of a time crunch as I realized I needed to feed Little Miss at the same time I needed to pick up the boys. I also knew that the construction around our house would definitely delay my getting all three kids back home – which would make for one stressful ride home if Little Miss didn’t get her food on time.
Luckily my parents live near their (pre)school so I just hung out there beforehand and brought the boys back to their house after school. They love their grandparents (both sides) so they were more than happy to visit Grandma’s.
All was going well until right before we packed up to leave, IDiddy was on the kitchen floor screaming.
He didn’t say much other than his forehead hurt and he indicated that he had fallen and hurt his head.
No biggie.
Until roughly 5 minutes later my mom was taking a closer look and saw a 3/4 cut in the side of his head.
(Big props to Father of the Year for NOT noticing it first. :-()
Luckily it wasn’t bleeding much but after checking with Laurie and our pediatrician we thought it would be best to at least have it checked out.
About this time we pieced things together and discovered that HDiddy had clocked IDiddy in the head with a small broom he had been playing with.
I’m pretty certain it wasn’t intentional but a second trip to the doctor for a head wound in six months is no easy thing to swallow for a parent. IDiddy on the other hand – he had moved on to other things.
In the end we rushed to the pediatrician and made it just in time before they closed – avoiding higher prices at the Urgent Care clinic around the corner.
The pediatrician patched him up with some glue and he was a champ the entire time – just like when he got his stitches. From our experience, a stuffed animal and Curious George on the iPhone work wonders.
And now reading back over all this – it really doesn’t seem that abnormal. In the end it was an OK day.
Does that mean I’m just getting numb to it all?!?