Welcome to February!
Well, not quite I suppose — depending on when you read this.
But a few things to look forward to this month:
- It’s Black History Month & the DCCCD African American Read-In
- My sister Kara turns 25
- Valentines Day
- I turn 31
- We’re scheduled to close on our new house in Forney at the end of the month…. YIKES! We still need a solid contract on our house!!!!
And a few things to look back on — aka the top posts from January 2010.
- Ways to give aid for Haiti relief – having this one tweeted by @MensHealthMag definitely didn’t hurt things
- 11 Kingdom bloggers to watch in 2010
- Orphans and the tragedy in Haiti
- 11 things I love about the institutional church
- All that good cancelled out with one lousy statement
Honorable mention:
Top songs of 2009 – This was actually one of the top 5 viewed posts for the month, but it didn’t make the official list since I wrote it on Dec. 29, 2009 — it’s sooo last year
Did you miss any of those? Were there other favorites that didn’t make the list?
What would you like to see more of?
Here’s to more great conversations in 2010!