Update from Uganda

I just received an email from Matt. I think it’s about a week old now – DOH.
Matt’s e-mail is an update from “my sister” Kathryn, who’s in Uganda right now. I believe she returns home tomorrow so please pray for safe travel.

Katya texted me about 1pm today which is about 9pm over there. She said today (now yesterday for her) she had her first contact with children. She said she is very tired and also she is very troubled with what she has seen. Quote: ” its
devastating the conditions over here…the people desperately need hope” “we worked kids today for the 1st time today, I dont have the words 2 tell whats going on here”
She spoke of a girl named Juliet, a 7 year old girl who is taking care of four siblings because the parents abandoned them. ” my heart so heavy and burdened with all i saw and heard today”
Please pray for her for God’s peace and rest, also to remember to remember God is still in control even with what we see and dont understand. She has such a heart for people of are hurting.
Just letting you know how things are going…..

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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