Another list….
a. Ate dinner with Dan & Martha and Bob & Vickie
b. Purchased four new disks for disk golf
c. Checked out the new paint job and body work on my sister’s car
d. Visited with Kara & Tim, Mom & Dad and Grandma & Grandad
e. Did anyone just notice the arrangement of sexes on line a & d? odd
f. Enjoyed sleeping late on Saturday
g. Played Frisbee/disk golf with Phil in Cedar Hill
h. Phil’s better than us
i. Watched the Bourne Identity
j. Enjoyed What-a-Burger for dinner
k. Spent way to much time waiting on my Fantasy Football Draft
l. Went to encounter Sunday morning
m. Spent the afternoon in Kaufman at Hidden Acres
n. Tried a couple geocaches
o. Found one, didn’t find the other
p. Hid a third geocache for Casa de Blundell
q. It’s located at N 32° 22.864 W 096° 50.990
r. Slept in again on Monday
s. Drove around looking at homes and neighborhoods in Red Oak and Ovilla
t. Ate dinner with Brad & Jen and their kids in Ennis
u. Came home and that was about it for our three day weekend
v. What did you do this weekend?
w. Think you can fill a whole alphabet?
x. I may make it to Z but I guess I ran out of events
y. Over the weekend two people found our first geocache
z. Five people found our second one